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Just your average teenage cliché.

10.29pm | 05.31.03

My spine tingles as you touch me
I want more but what? I don't say no
when the guy cuts me off at the light
it's so bright in the morning: 7 AM
School again? I didn't do the homework
Too busy writing my heart on my pants
don't fit again. Shit.
I'm so full of it
when I said I'd stop eating.
What? It worked last time
but it wasn't the same because /I'm/ not
the same things keep repeating over and over
I apologize, knowing I'm not wrong
That's /my/ song so who cares, right?
My mind says yes but my heart says
Don't hurt yourself again.
Masochism isn't a way to live life
is full of beauty, like me
I could be, but how would I know
the answer to the riddle you ask?
The past is never far but the future's too close
to the edge of the bumpy yellow platform.
Always afraid someone'll push me
harder! I want it, I need it,
oh baby, why can't we be real
life doesn't do this to me, right
I concur. No, left
it, I left it at home
is where my heart is
waiting for you.