You Look Pale, Little Dead Girl

Ask yourself...

C'Mon, Invade My Space

I grew up somewhere between one of the better-known small towns in New York and in a small apartment in one of the most creativity-drenched parts of Manhattan. I always knew I wanted to be either an activist (like my mother), a teacher (like my father), or a rock star (like the parents of a bunch of people I went to high school with). I am still undecided.

Visit, the official home of Lenore and friends.

The Beat Goes On...

After high school, I took it upon myself to explore every kind of college scenario possible, given my limited budget. One year at a local two-year school as a Social Work major, two years at a small women's college as a Criminal Justice major, and one major life change later, I'm still trying to decide on a major at New York University. I spend my time studying, going to bars on Sunday nights, and writing love letters.

The Loves of My Life

Good books.
Funny television.
SLG, Todd McFarlane, and Sandman comics.
Music that makes me think but not neccesarily cry.
My beautiful family and friends.
Black glittery nail polish.
Michael Moore and all his leftist politics.
Activism in all forms.
Alcohol in all forms.
Movies that are so good that my short attention-span surrenders.
Artwork from old boyfriends.

PB Banner

How's Tricks?

I'm still trudging my way through a BA (never transfer, kids, never) and have just started working as a gofer for the Science Department. I'm taking a Chem class (it's supposed to be general ed but it's all based on general high school chem...and I am the only person, out of a class of 343, who has never taken a chem class EVER) and I hate it; an intermediate French class in which everyone must speak French at all times (as Jeremy Hotz says, "I know high school French: Je suis, tu es, il est, elle est...") so I'm failing; and a film class which I am in love with (alright, so the lecturer is longwinded and dull, but the TA is awesome and the films are Hitchcock so it totally makes up for it). The band is doing its usual drunken practices and who knows if we'll ever be ready to rock out in public. I've joined the Voices For Choice group at school, which promotes women's reproductive rights, and along with other activities they're sponsoring (including one tomorrow, October 6 at 7pm in Kimmel room 912, which is entitled: Emergency Contraception, Everything You Need To Know), they're planning to provide a bus for the April 22 march for choice in Washington DC - I can't wait! I'm also planning on joining ACLU group, Students for Social Equality, and the NOW chapter at NYU. I don't know if I'll have time for them all (I wanted to join Students for a Free Tibet but I need some time to sleep) but VFC and ACLU are my top priorities..

RIP Maurice Gibb
"It's only words, but words are all I have..."
You will be missed.

RIP Fred Rogers

Coming soon: Barry White, Johnny Cash, John Ritter, etc...

The WeatherPixieThe WeatherPixieThe WeatherPixieThe WeatherPixie
These are some weather pixies to represent where some neato people in my life are. From left to right, they are: me and all the wacky people who are part of my everyday life; my parents and brothers in Woodstock; Angel in Annandale VA; Dave in Troy NY.
Heehee, I have a puppy and a mohawk.

Random IMs

KateQuixote: this is how uncomfy he makes me: i'd rather be stripped naked and have to spend 48 hours gyrating for alex, avery , timmy, pablo, and paul while they ate live kittens than even see him once.
Turp101: heh

Rocko Bonaparte: "My name is Andre, I used to be a nuclear physicist, but now in new europe free market economy, I help my brother sell ice cream out of truck. With money we made I was able to buy american style shoes, like addidas. These are different, they are called addidums. They have four stripes, for less money I get extra stripe, VERY GOOD DEAL. Unfortunately, there is usually no ice cream, but there are many pictures, and the children like to come look and laugh, and one day hope for ice cream."

KateQuixote: it's so sitcom
Ansphone4: I know! do you EVER meet people like him in real life?
Ansphone4: no
Ansphone4: and there is a reason
Ansphone4: they get shot

Turp101: shouldnt you be out scamming free drinks out of unsuspecting guys

QOTSMON: next time i see you i'm gonna hug you so hard they'll have to use the jaws of life to separate us.

KateQuixote: he's such a martyr
KateQuixote: nice cross jack
Ansphone4: we'll canonize you when you're gone
KateQuixote: lol

QOTSMON: i'd think that it's the first thing you mention to the ladies at parties. "hi, i'm a brother here and i love farm animals. i mean, i really love farm animals."
KateQuixote: Watch, they'd prolly believe it, too. Hell, I lived with them and I'd believe it.

KateQuixote: that's great, you very much deserve that. "whatever" "that's nice" Enthusiasm, like ugly sex, is quite hot.
Ansphone4: not like lack of enthusiasm just... enthusiasm about giving me the fingerfucking I deserve!

KateQuixote: hey. yeah, i got the messages, i decided to um, celebrate yom kippur instead of going to class so i'm here till 5:30
Yalincak: oh LOL

QOTSMON: So I'm standing there thinking to myself, 'When is this guy going to stop hitting on Katy so we can just buy our fucking books?!!?
KateQuixote: Thank you, you just made my week. :-)

Rocko Bonaparte: :-P "A failed suicide attempt is like a purple heart for an emo kid."

Hey, Betcha Didn't Know...
~ that both of my parents attented NYU?
~ that I am named after a character from Animal House?
~ that my blood type is O+?
~ that I have never seen any of the Star Wars movies?
~ that my least favorite musical acts of all time are Jethro Tull, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Aerosmith and the Beach Boys?
~ that my first words were "Strawberry Shortcake"?
~ that my mother's maiden name is Smith?
~ that my favorite shoes are Converse One-Stars? (Although I must admit that Doc Martens rival them when walking around in the slush.)
~ that my middle fingers on both hands are crooked?
~ that I was voted "Most Unique" by my senior class in high school?
~ that I have been through six different majors since beginning college?
~ that the only things I am afraid of are water, silence, and turkeys?
~ that my least favorite artificial flavor is grape?
~ that I have a machete?

Some of my other projects...

Be A Nicer Person Or I'll Fucking Kill You

The Grafitti Wall

Neat Things People Have Sent Me

Something New (Nearly) Every Day

Third Degree


Life Should Be Available In Color Or Black and White

A Photographical Tour of My Favorite Places In Hometown

< href="">My Yahoo Profile

"Pierced and scarred, not always by choice."

Go. Here. Now.

Angel's Awesome Webpage
Bad Kramer
Do You Think Anime Characters Are Hot? Me Too!
Hatt Baby!
Talena is Dead! (As much as I love her, this is damn funny.)
The Spark
Quizzes and Quizzes and Quizzes, oh my.
Need A Smile?
I Love Bacon - Dumb But Fun
Long Live The D!
The Onion - America's Finest News Source
Michael Moore
Jenn London
