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Tomorrow I am shaving Dean's legs and i will have plenty of pictures to show you all. Yah, that's right i'm shaving them and i'm gonna like it, too.

I've created a new section. It's a "song of the day" sort of thang... but i know i won't update it daily, so you'll just to deal. :) mua.

Uhhh, summer lacks. mmmmmhm. but, i put up a section (below) from Karen's birthday and stuff. :) enjoy it. might as well enjoy your summer, too. :)

I'm beginning my process of moving my site to Geocities as you can see. It will take a lot of time to get everything moved... so keep checking back for updates and whatnot.

By request of Justin Stewart, I will be putting up an old skool photo section. Wooha! So keep checking for updates. mua. jaimie <3's you.

Alright. I am now in the midst of a huge project concerning this site. I am adding a tag board, making quizzes, making this into my actual home page, perhaps moving it to geocities because i hate angelfire, and who knows what else.... adios. jaimie <3's u.

Hrm. I don't know what the heck is wrong with my server name.... but it's pissing me and many others off. So, it looks like for the time being it's back to boo to that. i have no new pictures, so that means no real updates. boo to that as well. renee wants me to help her play a DVD or something. Adios. enjoy your summer, kids.

School's out, Finally. CVS One Hour lied. I hate them. I finally got my two rolls of film developed. So... check out the suare portion of my page to see what us four have been up to... ;)

I finally got my Six Flags pictures developed. Added them to the section. Also, check out the Free Show section I added.

Nipmuc band+chorus competed today and then spent the rest of the day at Six Flags. :) I took a bunch of pictures (hopefully they come out). But all I have so far is the picture of lianne and i on the Superman roller coaster coaster coaster coaster coaster coaster... ;). So check out the new link! mua. jaimie loves you. :)

Added some sections at the bottom. Check em out, yo. Oh, Oh! And I added two pictures to Kaleigh's wonderful section. :)

04.25.02 (again)
I added a section to this page called "March 17th." It's from the ever wonderful Megan's page. :) Check it out, foo.

I am sick again. :( But I added a picture of Karen to her part of my page... you should go see it, it's bootiful.

I updated yet again with some pictures my mother's old exchange student took. ALSO! I got rid of pop-ups! Annnd, my own name. So now you don't have to type in "" anymore... simply... :)

OH OH!!!!!! who's not grounded anymore?! JAIMIE, JAIMIE! :D Hopefully if all goes well I will be able to update this mother like it aint no thang over vacation. And you will love it. :) But as of right now I'm going to go to bed. :) Adios, Jaimie loves you.

I was able to sneak in here, scan this, and then post it for the world to see. So have a good look. :D

I'm grounded. No updates for a while. booo. Be mad at my mum, not me. :D Oh oh! Rumor is that Jaimie may be having a party some time soon? Hrmm...
Groundation should end some time in April (hopefully). Jaimie loves you. Adios.

I put up nice backgrounds on all main pages with matching scrolly things. :) yay. Tonight I also added a new page called "A day at the mall." I think you should check it out! Jaimie Loves You. mua.

Like my new layout??? My old one was boring.. and perhaps i went a little nuts with this... but once i figured some stuff out i couldn't stop messing around with my page. :) I also FINALLY got the kaleigh part up. :) Hope everyone had a great vacation and... HAPPY BIRTHDAY SARAH!

I'm leaving on a jet plane, don't know when I'll be back again... er, actually... i'm going on a 4 hour car trip to New Hampshire and I'll be back on Friday. :D There is no computer up there, so I'm sorry little ones... but that means no updates. ::cries:: BUT!!! that doesn't mean that you can't keep adding stuff to my text changer thing!!! weehoo. Write me multiple amounts of emails, too. ;) Click here, damnit.

so, i will see you guys when i get back. have a great vacation. mua. :) -jaim

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