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Jan 07, 02
10:32 am
need more stuff
silverchair "tomorrow" talking: nobody

15 yr old. tx. blondie. left-handed. web-addict. i love anything from industrial to emo. fav bands include Saves the Day, Staind, Linkin Park, and KoRn. volleyball is life. im an right side hitter, and proud of it. i spend too much time on AIM talkin with friends. fishie. i own too many purses.

thats all

<•Jan 04; 10:50 PM•>
: Adema "The Way You Like It"
: System of a Down "Toxicity"
: Staind "For You"
: Linkin Park "Papercut"
: Puddle of Mudd "Control"
: Saliva "Your Disease"
: Saves the Day "Jukebox
: Alkaline Trio "Clavicle"
: Dash. Conf. "Drowning"
: MarilynManson "Tainted Love"
If you've got a quarter you can stick in my neck and I'll sing whatever song you want for whatever mood you're in. Isn't that what you expect? I can sing you to sleep. I've got a mouth full of blood. Well I'll carry this casket if it's what I have to do. So bring on the dark sky and let it cover me entirely. Isn't that what you expect? I can sing you to sleep. And all you want from me is a broken heart. And I'll run down to the river and grab five buckets of water. Wait right where you are and I will serve you at your table. I hope you like my restaurant and the lighting is right. The jukebox is in the corner. My mouth is the speaker. It plays your favorite songs and you know where the coin slot is. Isn't that what you expect? I can sing you to sleep. And all you want from me is a broken heart.
STD "At Your Funeral" TO DO:
Jan 01;New Year's
Jan 03;Volleyball Practice
Jan 08;Back to School
Feb 14;Valentine's
Feb 24;Lydia's B*day
AIM: no :-P
link me:

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Site Meter
wow. you have now reached my bottom.

do a little dance with the kid

January 7, 02 Well, after long hours of work too darn early in the morning, I have finished messing with this stupid layout for awhile. UGH, volleyball was fun yesterday, but I guess Im suffering the conseqences today...half way thru practice yesterday my hip starting hurting really bad. And it has hurt ever since. It feels like a tendon or a nerve is rubbing over a bone wrong or something. Maybe it popped out of socket or something. lol. ugh it sucks tho. yeah and just for good measure let me throw this one butt hurts too. grr. oh well. School starts tomorrow, and I need to go organize all of my stuff, and get my things together. Im so not looking forward to the school part of school. I have health with Coach Cross. She taught me how to hurdle in 7th grade, and was my coach for that. And then she moved to HS and now so did I! hehe. Everyone says her class is fun, so that is cool! Well I am out of stuff...

January 6, 2002 Ugh, it is 11:45 and way too early for me to be up. Grrr I could have slept all day and I didnt even go to bed that late last night. I have volleyball 2-4 today. I miss it so that is good, but I never seem to have the 'get up and go' that makes me want to get there. Lalala. School starts day after tomorrow. I'm glad I dont have to say tomorrow, its a teacher work day. *yay!* I cant think of anything interesting to blog about. Nothing fascinating has occured in my life since...two days ago. Hmmm...what to have for breakfast...I think I'm too lazy to fix sum Eggo waffles, so I guess it's gonna be cereal again. Grrr. I joined two new cliques last night, Emocore and Exit, so I hope they accept my sorry tush! Hey wow, would ya look at that, I'm at 1,111 hits right now. Thats pretty cool, pretty cool! Well I'm gonna go work on this thing I like to call my website...

January 4, 2002 Hey folks! Not much new here, I added some webcam pics..hehe. The two things in life Alyssa just can't live without. Dasani and Polar Ice. Yup Yup. I went out to the movies tonight, we saw 'Behind Enemy Lines'. Yeah I didnt like it that much, but I really dont like hardly any movies anyways. It was really creepy and kind of fake at parts. Jimmy is like...There was like, this huge lineup of dudes shooting at him, while he is running away from them on foot in a forest, and all of their shots seemingly miss him. Yeah you explain that one. Oh well. We go back to school on tuesday, all of my Goula friends are already back. Sucks. I am excited about new classes and all that whooplah, but geez, must we go back so soon??? Oh well they get Mardi Gras off in Goula, and well, quite frankly you say Mardi Gras here, and everyone around you is like...HUH? Oh yeah that funky New Orleans thing, I know what you are talking about...riiiiiiight...ugh now I have myself wanting a moon pie hehe. mmm themthings are good when you are in the right mood. I have been a music downloading maniac the past two days. Yesterday was punk/emo day and tonight is metal/industrial. hehe. What can I say? I live in the music. I love everything from Dashboard Confessional all the way to Drowning Pool. Is that not right? Is that the sign of a totally bogus metalhead? No, I just choose to envelope myself in the different branches of rock, hoping to find one that I especially enjoy. Right now at this point in time, it happens to be a little bit of everything. I do kind of feel like I am cheating my industrialness by putting Saves the Day and Marilyn Manson in my Musicmatch Jukebox at the same time, but it's what I want to listen to, and Im not forcing anyone else to listen to it anyways. Here is something that I have learned recently, that one should always keep in mind: dont judge any band or song by what others think, beleive, or by assumptions made on your own. Listen to a song more than once, it will grow on you, slowly but surely. For every song you download that you know you already like, pick another song that you arent too familiar with and get it too. Dont be afraid to try songs that others suggest; the worst that can happen is that you wont like it and a whopping 3 meg of your comp will be taken up until you recycle it. And lastly, please please please dont listen to country.
Recommended downloads:
For emo/punk people:

Alkaline Trio - "Clavicle"
Saves the Day - "Jukebox Breakdown"
And for you hardcore metalheads:
Staind - "For You"
Adema - "The Way You Like It" -->alyssa

January 3, 2002 Hello, new layout yes, kind of different. I dont like it too much but it works. I dont have much to say right now, Im not feeling quite up to my normal level of peachiness. Peace out

January 1, 2002 Happy New Year everyone, I hope yours was safe and fun! 2001 was a good year to me, I know that. Not much new happening with Creation right now, Im having 'new layout creaters block' or something because I have made like 5 and I cant seem to stick with one that I especially like. I have added A TON of new graphics to my graphics site, the link is to the right>>>
well, here is what I did on New Year's My plans got cancelled at the last minute, so I spent a peaceful evening in front of my...yep you guessed it, my PC. ow owww. It was fun though, and believe it or not I wasnt the only one online! hehe ;-)

oh yeah, Im really sorry if this layout looks like poo on your screen and everything looks like it is spaced out wrong, I told you this was going to be a temp. layout. working on it im working on it!

eck, I tried this new lotion I got for Christmas on my hands, and it smells really really nasty...yuck! Oh well! I found this nifty quote...hehe, it's in my aim profile right might have heard it once before..
I am Sam
I am Sam
Sam I am
That Sam-I-am
That Sam-I-am!
I do not like that Sam-I-am.
Do you like green eggs and ham?
I do not like them,
I do not like green eggs and ham.
Would you like them
Here or there?
I would not like them here or there.
I would not like them anywhere.
I do not like green eggs and ham.
I do not like them,


Dec 30, 2001 Whats up peeps, im home now, and now lydia is going to say hi...hello. all I have to say is YEAAAAA YOU PUSH IT!!!!!! or you itch it, whichever floats ur boat. hehhe MOSH POT!!! anywhos if I may give one word of advice BUY BLUE KOOLAIDE!!!! hehehe and eat peaches if you're feeling down. Seriously, it helps. anywhos rock on!

Dec 27, 2001 HEY! I'm in Mississippi! merry christmas all! nothing new, i was just dropping in to say hi to everyone and let you guys know that i miss you tonz! oh and KT says hi too! got an mp3 player for xmas! sweeeeet! cant wait until i get back!
Dec 21, 2001 finally free! hey look i made some new linkage buttonos! catch u later!


Dec 20, 2001 Hey peeps! Whats new? Nothing here, still wanting to get hosted, and I had three tough exams today...I think I did allright though. TWO HOURS OF SCHOOL left for meeeee! yee haw! Yes, new layout, it is simple and quick...i guess im just not going to get into the christmas spirit this year! dont have time! wish i did! dont forget to check out graphicus! keep the peace,

Dec 18, 2001 haaaay! what is up folks? not much here, only 2.5 days left of school! but anyways, moving on with the site business...i wish i had what it takes to get hosted gashdernt! if you know of anyone that would host me, that would totally rock! i dont really know a whole lot about hosting and all that, but it seems really cool and nifty! man im sorry guys...i have had this layout up since...the end of october! ahh! the fruits should be rotting by now but they arent....i have a new graphic that im thinking about using but its not cutesy or special like this layout is! but if it is not up within the next few days, then it wont be up until sometime after xmas im guessing, cuz im going to mississippi for a few days! im so excited! ooh! xmas is a week from today! how fun! volleyball tourney sat. and sun...ughhhh....nutts!!! catch u later!

Dec 13, 2001 Hey everybody! Just want to welcome you if you are a newbie, and feel free to look around and sign my book! I have tonz of original and artistic graphics at my graphics site, Graphicus I am really getting tired of this layout, but I currently have no plans for any new ones! :( Im glad the week is almost over! Goin bowling on friday ow oww! ttyl!

Dec 11, 2001hello hello, what is up? just wanted to say real quick that i organized all of the new graphics and fixed all of my links! ahh i cant beleive i havent come up with a new layout yet...maybe thise weekend or the next! uhh well i guess i will talk to ya'll later!

Dec 8, 2001 HEY! Cable's back up (thank goodness...I was having withdrawal symptoms...) anyways...well, I best be getting my Christmas layout up before Christmas is OVER dont you think??? I have major brain farts when it comes to new layouts sometimes, and other times its all good! Enough about the page, it's been forever since I've updated! This past week wasnt the best or fastest week I've ever had, but now it's over. Today I went Christmas shopping and then finished off the day by going to Josh's house and listening to his, Brandon's, and Josh's band practice! It was fun being a groupie! Special shoutout to Josh! You guys were really kick...butt! Ya need to get a name soon (and some lyrics to Oh and the other Josh...the one with the poo pig, u were cool too! And then there's BRANDON....and emily and their wwf smackdown session! hehe love ya guys! MOSHPOT!!! WHAT!??! Happy Birthday Wes!!! (bro) oh oh oh! useless fact for the day that im overly proud of...on December 8th 1980, John Lennon was assassinated. That also happens to be the exact day/year as my bro's birthday! freakiness...Come on Lydia u were supposed to be getting on soon...u arent on...lalala...well folks, be hoping for a new layout, fixed sister links (sorry! i know i know!), and organized graphics! Signin off...

Dec 3rd, 2001
Hey guys! Sorry, Im really behind on my links and organizing all of my BAZILLIION new graphics hint hint! Hehe I added a bunch of new ones! Our cable is out and we dont really know when we are supposed to get it back! But right now i am dialed into my dads i guess i will talk to yall when we get the cable up and working again, aiight?
love always!
