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About Casey Kneale

") OpenWindow.document.write("     I have been a programmer for 4 years now") OpenWindow.document.write("and I am 14 years old. I have been a ''T00L'' fan for two years. I made") OpenWindow.document.write(" this site because of my ''Die Hard'' love for the band.NEED A LADY :(. Go ahead and ") OpenWindow.document.write("E-Mail me at") OpenWindow.document.write("") OpenWindow.document.write("") OpenWindow.document.close()"main" } //--> Hacking

Kc's Home Page

 - Kc's Theories (Atheism) -
  Atheism is not a sign of rebbelion but a sign of seeing to belive. most Athiest are jsut unsure and are stuck on non-proven information.There is nothing wrong with an athiest.

- Freindly Acquiantiences -

  • Aaron Lueng (AKA The Amazin Asian Sensation/Mario Partner)
  • Danny Kneale (Brother/Cousin)
  • Kylie Cross (Home Girl/G-Spank Love you)
  • Samantha Mabee (Cool cat/We're Depressed buddies)
  • Matt Hooper (3m/Cool dude)
  • Brandon Kulesea (Dirty and Scary man/Movie Director)
  • Chris Kulesea (Gym/Puppet boy)
  • Bryan Zemiska (Good Skater/"Your ass is mine")
  • John Hornke (Satarday Morning Skater/Pro Baseblal player)

    - Things Unfreindly By Nature -

  • Gravity - All it does is bring you down.
  • Money - You need quality and quantity to have a good value of it.
  • Luck - it always on your side when you don't need it.
  • Books - They teach people so any old shmoe like myself cannot control you 8(.(it's true the hitler story, slaves etc)
  • Drama - It helps people recover fromt heir own folleys.
  • Jealousy - When you get or do somehting good it's bad in anothers eyes.
  • Tobacco - Kills people daily, see StandOnline.Org for more details.

    - Good Bands -

  • Tool - Buetiful Lyrics
  • Staind - Asks important questions.
  • Bush - Cool flow (irrelevent lyrics)
  • Eels - Musicly genuis blend of sorrow, metaphores, and good flow.
  • Kenna - Mellow lyrics with fast music.
    Interesting stuff I devised :
    Never Click Here thank you it's to personal!