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-Kid Chameleon-
-The Band-

Steve B.
Steve H.


CD Info

-sTeVeS NeWs-

Kid Chameleon is a band from Venango County, PA. The band consists of Jake Karns, Jon Black, Steve Bouse, and Steve Herrill. We have been playing together for about a couple months. Jake and I (Steve Bouse) have been in numerous bands before so we have a lot of material. If you really want to get the feel for how we sound, you gotta hear us live. The mp3s are from when Jake was the only band member. The whole cd is done by Jake alone. So you don't get the same effect as the whole band. Check Kid Chameleon out sometime. We rock!!

We r gonna change our name, but we dont know what 2 change it 2 yet, so if u have ne suggestions, EmaiL Jamie! The style of our music is also going to be changing for the best.

-JaMiEs sTuFF-

4-30-02 As of right now I'm not exactly sure what's going on with Kid Chameleon. Steve tells me that Jake said he was pissed when he signed the guestbook. I was also pissed when I signed it after him, but I only spoke the truth of how I feel. I guess Kid Chameleon is going to be changing their name and also their style of "fucking poppy punk" to something better.

3-3-02 LaST NiTeS SHoW aT PoLK WaS sWeeT. iT WaS ThE BeST sHoW i BeeN 2 sO FaR! (NoT ThaT i BeeN 2 MaNy LoL). KiD CHaMeLeOn RaWkEd, aLThO TheY HaD a FeW CoMpLiCaTiOnS LoL. i GoT LoTs oF GoOd PiCs ThaT iM GoNNa GeT DeVeLoPeD 2DaY n PuT oN ThE SiTe.

2-26-02 mY sCaNNeR WoRkS!!! sOo ThE PiCs WiLL b oN ThE SiTe sOo CheCk eM OuT.

2-25-02 WeLL i GoT SuM PiCs FRoM LaST SaTuRDaYs sHoW ThaT i NeEd 2 sCaN n PuT oNLiNe, BuT mY sCaNNeR iS PiSSiN mE ThE FuCk oFF n WoNT WoRk, sOo oNcE i GeT iT 2 WoRk i WiLL PuT ThE PiCs oN HeRe. iM aLsO TRyiN 2 GeT iNFo oN ThE GuYs sOo u kNoW MoRe BouT EaCh oF eM.

2-23-02 2NiTe i SaW KiD ChaMeLeOn pLaY. i ThiNk TheY R a ReaLLy sWeeT BaND. i BoUgHt ThiER cD 2NiTe, BuT iTs FRoM wHeN ThE BaND WaS JuS JaKe KaRNs, iTs sTiLL a sWeeT cD n i ThiNk eVeRy1 sHoULd gO n BuY iT. iTs $10, BuT LiKe iT HaS 19 SoNgS n iS ReaLLy GoOd, sO iTs WoRTh ThE MoNeY.

2-22-02 2NiTe i HeaRD JaKe KaRNs SiNg 4 ThE 1sT TiMe. i ThiNk hE iS aN aWeSoMe SinGeR. 2MoRRoW NiTe WiLL b mY 1sT TiMe 2 HeaR ThE wHoLe BaND pLaY 2GeTHeR. iVe HeaRD sTeVe BoUsE pLaY a FeW TiMeS n i ThiNk hE iS ReaLLy aWeSoMe 2. AiGhT iM DuN 4 NoW.

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Email: Steve Bouse