Updates Page

These are where I'll post any updates to my pages or anything.

November 1, 2001-I just reworked the entire site, plus I added this page. Side note also, today everything was working on this site, including all pics and whatnot, if something is not working, just e-mail me on the main site.

November 15, 2001-I reworked all the pics, so hopefully they all turn out on everyone's browsers, mucho thanks to Al on that one. Did a bunch of work on my friends page. I really think it is a lot better. Put up some stuff on the Chief on the Illini page. That's it, let me know if something ain't workin' folks. paz.

November 17, 2001-Added some stuff to the Illini page, mainly a score and article from tonight's game in which the Illini CRUSHED Gonzaga. Plus I added a new page for my causes. Just goes to show one can be smart, charming and be concerned about the world around yourself!

November 21, 2001-Put up some bad pics, not great, but they are there if people really desire to see how I look. Picture pages, Picture pages!

December 5, 2001- Put up the beginnings of the Camp Trans Chicago page. It is still very much under construction, so be gentle. Also updated some other pages and touched up a few things.

Decmber 5, 2001-Did a LOT of work on the Camp Trans Chicago page. Please go check it out.

December 16, 2001-Major changes on the site kids. Please note that the index.html now takes you to the Camp Trans site, josh'shouse.html is the link for my personal pages, please update any links that you have. I redid my main page on my personal site. I took a lot of the words and pic off of it cuz I thought it was too much, it was cluttered. Did some updates on all the pages throughout the site. I am still updating links throughout the site to accomidate changes in directories, so bare with me if you get lost on those links.

December 17, 2001-Redid the main page to my personal site after accidently deleting it, doh! Please fix the the links folks.

December 28, 2001-Ho Ho Ho, happy freakin holidays! Redid some links, condensed some things, everything is reachable through the main index.

January 12, 2002-Happy New Year. Just cleaned up the place a bit, a little housekeeping.

February 27, 2002- Long time for updates. Redid some stuff on the camp trans page since folks were getting on me about it. Updated some other pages, mainly just fixing links and updating info. Peace out.

August 28, 2002- Wow, been a very very very long time since we did any updates. Switched a bunch of stuff on the main page, new gender page, all kinds of stuff got moved. Explore and find it out. Guestbook still not existant.