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News News
Downloads Hey all you l337 h4x0rz, sorry has been down lately, we have changed servers and should be staying here for a long time! is proud to present the newest d2hackit version:

D2Hackit09 You may click the file or download it here

D2Hackit09 new add-ons include a working dupe hack, Grabit v 5.1, Player ID, Map Hack equipped with chicken mod. Plus more!

For instructions and help on installing, resort to the readme file (in the zip file)

5/5/03 - Yo h4x0rz, good news, new Quark'swringmaker (white ring maker) has been released you will find it in the downloads section.

4/24/03 - Hey h4x0rz, we are going to be moving servers, sorry! We should be back up sometime in early May.

4/16/03 - Wow! glad to see all the traffic on We are averaging atleast 700 unique visitors per month, keep it up guys!

3/25/03 - New downloads. Check this download section for the newest map hack. Note: This map hack has not been tested on, so use with caution!

3/16/03 - Sup h4x0rz, Hope u all like the new site, I should be adding new content every week or so. Have fun hackas!
