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hello. once again i have attempted to start yet another page, what makes this one different? nothing really, since each time i start a page i say to my self, this one ill actually update and keep track of. last time i counted i have 6 web pages under my name. oh well. fuck it, nothing like cramming up web space. so ive started this page mainly out of feelings, as i read some thing tonite, and were told a number of things that effected the way i overall am, so i decided to post it on the web, what else is new. hopefully though, ill use this page to help promote my art to people, as i need all the help i can get, im moving out on my own soon, and my career is art, so to sum it all up. im fucked. anyways, probally most of the band pictures that i have on here, i did not take, nor do i claim to take credit for any of it, also works of poetry, or lymrics, or free lancing done on this site may be offencive to some? i dunno. if the rare case it is, leave. umm...what else, oh yeh, i cant spell worth shite, and i have no ambition really right now, so updates will be few and far between, but possibly daily if im bored enough at school. anyhow, take care, look through my site, hell mabe you will learn something..? who knows, also. if you would like to be very kind and donnate some money to a good cause, send all donnations to 3812 linfield lane lima, ohio, help support a young kid about to try to make it on his own. thank you. hugs and big sloppy kiss's to all of you.~adam~

by the way. i need your help. i am seeking out anyone that for some odd reason happens to know my first web sites adress. i have alot of material that i would love to extract from that site, as for i had over 230+ pages on it, and alot of origanal free lance writings that i want to put on this site, but lost the files in a computer glitch. so, if any of you know the sites adress, please email it, i will love you for always. if it helps it was listed under angel fire, all i can remember fromt he address was damn...anyways. thank you

