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- - - >Tuesday, September 3, 2002

    This is the first update. intrnl3: FAMILY VALUES is very near completion. I've been working on it without contributing updates and it's finally close to being finished. Graphics and layouts are being finalized as well as the content for certain pages. As of now, I'm re-recording animations to place on the site, and preparing trick of the week sequences. Won't be long now.

    Recently, we -- intrnl skateboarders and others -- visited Noble E. Young Skatepark in Tyler, Texas. The population of the park was sparse but a few regulars were there to make it worth the experience. Skaters sessioned in the 3' halfpipe and the 6' halfpipe also. Pulse Boardshop's "Pete A. File" was once more present at the park, and aggrivated skaters as before. Overall, the trip was sucessful as all skateboarders progressed or landed good tricks.