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 World Wrestling Entertainment Information:

Role-Play Number: 002
Next Match: vs. Christian
Complete Career Record: 000 - 000 - 000
Achievements: *None Yet*

Peoples Champ vs. Peeps Champ


Scenes:  The scene come on , the WWE are in XCel Energy Center, St. Paul for there house show. Fans are in line waiting to get in side. Plus fans are at the gate waiting to see what wyorestler come in for there first match. Camera mans are all over the building, they hooking up there Camera's and other stuff. As the limo's drive in the area and the superstars walking out of the limo. Fans are taking pictures of there favorite WWE superstars, Then the WWE crew opening the doors. People showing there tickets to get in the XCel Energy Center. As the fans walking in getting there food to eat and T-shirts of there favorite WWE superstars. Some of the WWE superstars signing fans T-shirts and taking pictures. Then the fans walk to there seats and set down. As the scenes now open up to the main arena floor. Fireworks and pyro are blasting off in the arena floor as the crowd is cheering like crazy for the WWE. The camera man then goes around looking at some of the signs that the fans have made as awhole bunch of signs say awhole bunch of different things about the WWE. The camera man stops going around as they head to the annonce table where Jim Ross and Jerry "The King" Lawler are sitting down. The camera man of the WWE then gets closer in as JR begin's talking. But before Jim Ross could start talking The crowd goes crazy as The Rock's theme music hits on the p.a system. The whole arena floor is up on there feet trying like crazy for The Rock. The camera man gets to the entrence way and out comes The Rock with a loud cheer filling the whole arena!. The Rock, then begins to start making his way down to the ring with the millions and millions of the Rock's fans cheering him like crazy as he continues walking down to The Ring. The Rock, then gets into the ring as he climbs the top rope and smells the crowd as the crowd goes nuts and begins to chant Rocky,Rocky,Rocky. The Rock, gets down as he walks over to the corner and grabes the mic as someone hands him one. The Rock, centers himself in the middle of the ring and looks around. The Rock, puts his head up,closes his eyes and begins to start talkin with a loud cheering crowd in the background, as The Rock closes his eyes

'the peoples champ' The Rock  "Finally.. The Rock, has COME BACK!.. To St.Paul's!!. Now that the Rock , is standing here infront of millions of The Rock's fans, The Rock is going to talk about something... important. Oh yeah baby, The Rock, has finally come back to St.Paul and now St.Paul is going to hear what The Rock has to say!. It's pretty obvious why The Rock, is out here tonight... because The Rock has a match at Raw is War. Oh yeah, the people here know that The Rock is going up against the biggest jackass of them all!... Christian!. Christian!, the peeps champ, the wannabe of The Rock, the man who is going to get his candy ass kicked by The Rock!!. Where to begin'?... Christian, the IC Champ?... no,no,no... they got it all wrong!. Why didn't that beer drinking son of a bitch Stone Cold Steve Austin, make this a IC Title match!?. Haha.. The Rock knows why, and the people know why, it's because The Rock is just too damn good for that title!. But does Christian.. really deserve it?, The Rock does!. Has Christian, ever made a big hit in sports entertainment ... like The Rock?, no he didnt!. As Christian, ever got all the ladddiieesss! .. like The Rock!?.. hell no!. Look at that jabroni,Christian, he's probably shaking in his boots to his mommy.. 'oh mommy The Rock is going to whip my no good for nothing candy ass, help me!'.. ahhh shut up!. Christian!, your nothing in the Rock's books, your a nobody and as long as you live.. you'll be a nobody!. The Rock, was the first ever 'peoples' champion.. and now you jabroni want to walk in this federation and claim your the peeps champ?. That's funny The Rock, almost let you get away with that one, but no-no-no.. The Rock, doesn't let anyone get away with someone wanting to be just like The Rock. No I would understand if you were some little 5 year old trying to be the Rock, but Christian.. your a full grown man and The Rock is STILL your HERO!. Look here Christian, do you see this? do you see The Rock, once the World Champion in wrestling history, hell The Rock wasn't just the world champ back in the days because jabroni The Rock held every.. single title you could ever think of!. And you want to claim your 'the peeps champ' because you walk around with that plastic piece of trash!?. Christian, The Rock thought you knew better... to mess with The Rock, but again The Rock was wrong!. And you know something you thought The Rock didn't care about the people?... whoa, whoa, whoa.. that's where your wrong, The Rock.. lives off the people!. As much as the rock would love to hold the World Championship Title again, The Rock loves hearing the millions and MILLIONS of The Rock's fan's... chanting his name... Rocky,Rocky,Rocky! [Crowd Chants Rocky] Do you smell that Christian?, because The Rock does, and that's smell of you not winning Christian, it's the smell of victory for The Great One!. It's sad to see someone who has this much confidence, this much charisma... lose at Raw is War, but The Rock can't blame ya', cause look who your going up against!. The Peoples Champ!.. or should The Rock say... the true peoples champ!. Christian, The Rock is givin you a big break here, oh yeah.. because The Rock any time of his career can just walk up and take that very title from you!. But The Rock , isn't.. because that IC Title doesn't matter to me and The Rock could careless that this is a non-title match. Because this match, really is a return match for The Rock.. and baby The Rock is going home a winner!!...


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