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33rd Annual Jazz Invitational
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Marquette University Bands
33rd Annual Jazz Invitational

Dear Mr.

     On Sunday, February 3, 2002, the Marquette University Jazz Ensembles will host the 33rd Annual Marquette University Jazz invitational. This event is the longest on-going, non-competitive Jazz Festival in the State of Wisconsin. Mr. Curt Hanrahan, well known Saxophone artist will be the guest clinician. Dr. John Grams, noted jazz historian will again be the Master of Ceremonies. Also appearing at the invitational helping in the evaluation of soloist and ensemble will be noted local jazz artists, __________- and ___________.

     Again, the Woody Herman Scholarship Foundation will select finalists for the Woody Herman Scholarship at the Marquette University Jazz Invitational. This scholarship is intended for a high school senior musician who displays musical, technical and improvisational skills and who intends on continuing his/her musical education in a college jazz ensemble regardless of the university or major field of study. After selection process which takes place at this Invitational, finalists are interviewed by the Woody Herman Foundation and are called back to the annual Woody Herman Memorial Concert on April ___, 2002 where the final selection will be announced. The scholarship will then be sent to the University of Choice of the Selected Musician.

Info & Procedures

The festival will begin at 2:00p.m. The site of the performance will be The Marquette University Varsity Theater. This is the home of the Marquette University bands and Orchestras and is located at 1326 West Wisconsin Avenue in downtown Milwaukee. You will find it in the north side of Wisconsin Avenue.

  1. On Stage, your band will have one half hour to set up, perform, and take down. Please organize your students to efficiently set up and take down your set up so we may remain on schedule.
  2. Provided for your use will be:
    A house sound system with five mics
    Acoustic piano

    Chairs. Music stands and risers. (Due to time factors the risers must stay in their set position - your students can move chairs and stands)
  3. The Warm up Room is located in the basement of the Varsity Theater. You will be allowed to use this area one half hour before your performance time. You may use this area and time in whatever fashion you choose. The door to the warm up area must remain closed when there are personnel playing to keep from distributing the band currently performing. NO PERCUSSION is allowed in the warm up area due to size and time restraints.
  4. The stage set up will not be changed (i.e. the risers will not be moved! The chairs and stands and mics may be moved per performance preference). You will need to bring your own extension cords for anything electric you may bring. Extension cords are not stored at the Varsity Theater.
  5. This is not a competition, but a performance designed to encourage all forms of jazz and swing music, as well as the opportunity to observe and share ideas in jazz performance and education with other high school players, bands, and directors.


      1. Each ensemble will receive a "Participation Plaque"
      2. An award will be presented to the "Best Musician" in each band
      3. An award will be given to the "Outstanding Player of the Day"
      4. A "Spirit of Jazz Award" will be presented to the band that has promoted jazz by having the largest number of fans from their school present.
      5. An award will be presented by the International Association of Musicians, Local 8 of Milwaukee for the ensemble with the "Most Professional Presentation"


Due to constantly rising costs, we must ask for a $90.00 entry fee from each participating band. Please make your checks payable to the Marquette University Band. Remember that admission to the Invitational. is free and open to all.


     When unloading equipment, all personal instruments, excluding percussion and electronic instruments will be directed to the balcony area at the top of the stairs. This is the area where the students can unpack their instruments and leave personal belongings. Only official band chaperones, the directors and students will be allowed in the balcony area. Parents and children are asked to remain on the main floor to keep traffic flow and general noise to a minimum.
     Percussion and all electronic equipment will be unpacked in the lobby against the far wall during the band's respective warm up time. Further instructions will be given at that time. Good luck, and thank you in advance for your cooperation and participation in the Marquette University Jazz Invitational. We wish all of you continued success!


Dr. Nicholas J. Contorno
Director of Music

Mr. James P. Krofta
Assistant Director of Bands and Orchestra


Marquette University Bands
33rd Annual Jazz Invitational

Sunday, February 3, 2002

To reserve your position in the 33rd Annual Marquette University Jazz invitational, please complete the following form and attach a check for $90.00 per band and return it by Monday, January 14, 2002 to Marquette University Bands

Name of School_________________________________Phone(      )_______________



Name of Band Director__________________________________________________

Number of participating Bands______Number of students performing_______________

Official Name of Band (s)_________________________________________________


Please list selections to be performed and the soloists:





































Please list your senior musicians (grade 12) by ensemble, their instrument and any soloing they may do by tune. This will assist the adjudicators and the members of the Woody Herman Foundation in their identification and selection of the "Best soloists" and Scholarship finalists. (Woody Herman-Sister Fabian Search)

























Thank you for your interest and support! If there are any questions you may have, please call James Krofta at Marquette University Bands 414-288-7476
We wish all of you the best!

James P. Krofta
Assistant Director of Bands and Orchestras
Marquette University


Marquette University Bands
33rd Annual Jazz Invitational

Dear Mr./Mrs.

     Enclosed you will find the schedule for the 33rd annual Marquette University Jazz Invitational. As you can see all positions are filled. Remember the date is Sunday, February 3, 2002. Mr. Curt Hanrahan, well known saxophone artist will be our guest clinician. Dr. John Grams, jazz historian will be our Master of ceremonies. The Marquette University Varsity Theater is the home of the Marquette University Bands and Orchestras and is located at 1326 West Wisconsin Avenue in downtown Milwaukee. You will find it in the north side of Wisconsin Avenue.

Unloading Equipment

     When unloading equipment, all personal instruments, excluding percussion and electronic instruments will be directed up to the balcony area. It is in the balcony of the Varsity Theater that students can unpack their instruments and leave personal belongings. For security reasons, only official band chaperones, directors and students will be allowed to be in this area. Parents and children are asked to remain on the main floor to keep the flow of traffic and noise to a minimum.

     Percussion and all electronic equipment will be unpacked in the lobby area against the far (north) wall during the respective band's warm up time. Further instructions will be given at that time. All bands are to enter the auditorium from the far north auditorium door. All bands are asked to exit the auditorium from the far right (south) auditorium door.

Warm up Procedure

     The warm up room is located on the basement level of the Varsity Theater. Your band will be free to use this area as a warm up room one half hour before your scheduled performance. Please leave instrument cases et al. in the balcony area. When your band is warming up, please keep the door closed to keep noise from interfering with ongoing performances of other bands. NO PERCUSSION is allowed in the warm up area due to size and sound constraints.

Performance Procedure

     On stage, your band will have one half hour to set up, perform and take down. Please organize your students to efficiently work to keep the performance schedule.

     The stage set up (risers) will not be changed. Only authorized University personnel can move the risers. The chairs, music stands and mics can be moved to accommodate your band needs. YOU WILL NEED TO PROVIDE YOUR OWN EXTENSION CORDS for whatever electronics you may bring. The Varsity Theater does not store OR PROVIDE extension cords.

Provided for your use will be:

              1. A house sound system with five mics
              2. An acoustic (Grand) piano
              3. A vibraphone
              4. Risers, chairs and music stands


      1. Each ensemble will receive a "Participation Plaque"
      2. An award will be presented to the "Best Musician" in each band
      3. An award will be given to the "Outstanding Player of the Day"
      4. A "Spirit of Jazz Award" will be presented to the band that has promoted jazz by having the largest number of fans from their school present.
      5. An award will be presented by the International Association of Musicians, Local 8 of Milwaukee for the ensemble with the "Most Professional Presentation"

Food and Beverage

There will be food available at the Marquette Alumni memorial Union. The "Pub" is located on the first floor of the Union. Please refrain from bringing food and beverages into the Varsity Theater Auditorium.

Remember that this is not a competitive event. It is intended to be a band performance designed to encourage all forms of Jazz and Swing music as well as an opportunity to observe and share ideas in Jazz Performance with other school players, bands and directors. As a courtesy to those performing, please refrain from leaving the performance area during a musical presentation.

Again, Thank you for your interest and support! If there are any questions or special needs you may have, please call James Krofta at

Marquette University Bands     414-288-7476

We wish all of you the best!

James P. Krofta
Assistant Director of Bands and Orchestras
Marquette University


Marquette University Bands
33rd Annual Jazz Invitational
Award Description

Spirit of Jazz Award
Given to the school that promotes the art of American jazz by attracting the most fans in attendance at the invitational. Determined by statistics taken at the front door.


Most Valued Player Award (From each Band)
Please select a student from each band whom you feel is the strongest, most important performer, or the student who seems to give the most to the ensemble. Consult with other judges and come up with a student all can agree on. They will receive a plaque at the end of the invitational.


Most Valued Player of the Day Award
From the list of most valued player from each band, select a student whom you think is the best of the finalists. Consult with other judges and come up with a student all can agree on. The finalist will receive a plaque at the end of the invitational.


Most Professional Presentation Award
Given in the name of the International Musicians Association, and presented by the Milwaukee Musicians Association (Local 8) of Milwaukee. This award is given to the band that projects the most professional decorum in performance. This is decided by the consensus of the judges and is given a plaque at the end of the invitational.


Woody Herman-Sister Fabian Scholarship
     This award is given by the Woody Herman-Sister Fabian Scholarship Foundation of Milwaukee. It is given to a high school senior (twelfth grade) student who displays a dedication to the study and performance of the art or American Jazz as seen through ability in improvisation and general playing.
     This procedure for this scholarship, as with others is that at the Marquette University annual Jazz Invitational., a field of students is chosen from the day's performers. These finalists are then interviewed at another time, and one is selected to receive the scholarship. All of the finalists are asked to attend the Annual Woody Herman Memorial Concert (held in April) and are given a chance to perform with one of the performing ensembles of that day. The selected student is announced at that concert.
     The chosen student, in order to receive this $2500.00 scholarship must attend a College or University of his/her choice and continue to perform and learn about jazz in the College Jazz ensemble regardless of Major field of study. The money is kept by the Herman Scholarship foundation until a tuition bill is received. The money is sent directly to the designated institution where a credit is given for the money to the student.



Marquette University Bands
33rd Annual Jazz Invitational
Sunday, February 3, 2002
Varsity Theater

2:30p Band Director
1. ___________________________________________________________________________________________
2. ___________________________________________________________________________________________
3. ___________________________________________________________________________________________
4. ___________________________________________________________________________________________

3:00p Marquette University James P. Krofta
1. ___________________________________________________________________________________________
2. ___________________________________________________________________________________________
3. ___________________________________________________________________________________________
4. ___________________________________________________________________________________________

3:30p Band Director

4:00p Band Director

4:30p Band Director

5:00p Band Director

5:30p Band Director

6:00p Band Director

6:30p Band Director


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