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Marquette University Band

CD Order Form

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Please print out this form and send all information to the address printed below.

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Item Quantity Price Per Item
"The Second Half With the Marquette University Golden Eagles Band CD"   $12.00
"Stageside with the Marquette University Symphonic Band CD"   $12.00
"Bargain 2-CD set: The Second Half & Stageside CDs"   $20.00
Item Sub-Total:    
Shipping and Handling
First CD
Additional CDs   $1.00
S/H Sub-Total:    

Total Amount Enlosed (add both Sub-Totals): __________
Please make checks payable to Marquette University Band

Name _______________________________________________________________________

Address ______________________________________________________ Apt # __________

City _________________________________ State ___________ Zip Code _______________

How did you hear about "The Second Half With the Marquette University Golden Eagles Band" and/or "Stageside With the Marquette University Symphonic Band"?

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All CD orders or requests for more information should be sent to this address:

Marquette University Band... CDs
MU Band Box #132
Lead Center AMU #140
Marquette University
P.O. Box 1881
Milwaukee, WI 53201-1881


Get your limited edition copies of The Second Half With the Marquette University Golden Eagles Band and Stageside With the Marquette University Symphonic Band NOW before it's too late!