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619 things to do with lettuce

1. Eat it2. Watch it3. Watch it watching you4. Watch it watching you watch it5. Use it as ammunition for your home made catapult6. Draw a mouth, a nose and some eyes on it with a black marker pen and call it Allan7. Use it as a door stop8. Buy another one, shove them both up your jumper and pretend they're breasts9. Paint it white and pretend its a football10. Paint it grey and keep it as a pet rock named George11. Cook it12. Pickel it13. Wash it14. Make a salad15. Make a piece of modern art with the leaves16. Hide behind it17. Grow it18. Sell it19. Use it as a paper weight20. Use it as a book end21. Play baseball with it22. Take it to the movies23. Buy it dinner24. Dress it up in sexy underwear25. Teach it to play chicken on the freeway26. Go skydiving with it 27. ask it how it would like to have it's name spelt 28. Cut it in half and use it as ear-muffs29. Freeze dry it30. Make green dye with it to colour a towel31. Sellotape it to your forehead32. [removed by the moderator]33. Chop it34. Kick it35. Cover it in whipped cream36. Trade it in for some celery37. Cover it in clear resin and use it as an ornament 36. Mistake it for a cabbage and boil it39. Recruit it into the Thingite Army40. Vote lettuce for PM of Britain, got to do a better job than some41. Buy one in a supermarket as a cheap and effective way to make your shopping basket look healthier and as if you are the sort of person who would know what to do with a lettuce.42. Mash lots of lettuce in the floor to make your very own fake ice rink.43. Grow then in the garden to make it look like you know what you are doing when your mother comes round. 44. Pick it out of your **chicken burger when in a fast food restaurant.45. Serve prawn cocktail in a huge lettuce leaf and then you wont have to wash the plate up afterwards.46. Put one in the Tate Modern and win the Turner prize.47. Cover a lettuce in paper mache for your kids school project.48. Leave a rotten lettuce in the fridge at work and deny it vehemently49. do it again the next week to see how long it take someone to catch o 50. Use it as inspiration for a really silly guide entry51. Beat yourself around the head with it if your bored?52. Take lettuce, wait till it starts going brown at the edges, and put it in some kebab meat and in pita bread stuff and its a kebab53. Feed it to your pet bunny54. Feed it to your tortoise (not too much as its actually toxic to give too much to tortoses)55. Wrap it round yor feet and hold it in place with string to make recyclible shoes56. Make lettuce icecream57. Use to disguise a hidden camera to be able to get secret images of tortoses58. Take the lettuce leaves and sew them together to make a sheet59. Take out the heart of the letice and use the remaining bit as a bowl to put fruit in60. Make a lettuce curry61. Cover it with poison and leave it in the garden to kill slugs62. Cover it with poison and leave it in the garden to kill neighbours63. Throw it at polititions64. Worship it as a divine creation65. Genetically modify it so that it produces chocolate proteins and therefore produceds chocolate lettuce?66. Make a sugar sandwich, by placing sugar on a lettuce leaf and fold it over and then eat 67. shread it then use it to stuff a sofa 68. shread it in the office shreader to prevent corporate spies stealing shreaded info and reasembling it.69. keep a few lettuces on the dashboard of your car to engourage people to think you are mad and therefore not steal your car.70. stab several lettuce with several javelins and then use them as hat stands.71. spend a whole morning thinking about lettuce as a way to aleviate the boredom and horror of having to be at work on a Dobry72. Buy another one and feed 5000?73. Buy some peas and make a scale model of the Solar System?74. Freeze it in liquid nitrogen and then bash it with a hammer?75. Pull all the leaves off and stitch them together to make clothes?76. Bad puns77. Use it as a pin cushion (but only if your pins are made of stainless steel)78. Cut a hole in the top, stick a candle in it and use it as an alternative to a Jack-o-lantern at Hallowe'en. Or as an interesting centrepiece for the table at Christmas dinner.79. Shred it and sprinkle it on the garden as fertiliser.80. Liquidise it, add a bit of sparkling water and attempt to sell it for extortionate amounts of money as the latest must-have health drink81. Post it82. Using the individual leaves as packing when having to transit glasswear..83. Sit on it84. Paint it so it can be wilsons stunt double from 'castaway'85. Use it as a toilet paper substitute86. Use it to make potpouri87. Spray it silver and hang it on the christmas tree88. Wear it as slippers89. Draw on it and stick pins in it like it was a voodoo doll90. Shred it and roll around in it likes its the money you dont have91. Use it to make fuel for one of them environmentally safe cars92. Start a compost heap93. Use it as cheap writing paper94. hollow it out and wear it as a hat95. Cut it up into a pair of underpants96. Talk to it and hope it grows97. Cut three hole in it and use it to bowl98. Draw a face on it, shove your head inside your jumper and pretend the lettuce is your head. 99. Don't use it as a door stop100. Do a duet with it101. remove the centre, impale on walking stick and use as umbrella102. use it as an ear plug.103. use it as a plug for a bath/sink.104. keep it next your computer and hit the computer with it when windows does something strange.106. love it.107. hate it.108. fill a room with them, and have a kind of ball crawl room.109. hide it in friends jacket pockiets and have a game where you have to guess how long it will take for the person to find out they have it in their jacket pocket.110. Race them.111. Place bets on them whilst they are racing.112. Send it to the moon.113 use it to suffocate someone by putting one up each of their nostrils and a particularly large one in their food hole.114. use it to predict the maximum velocity of a falling lettuce?115. Teach it to ride a bicycle?116. Paint it red and use it to frighten taxi drivers.117. Put it onto the spindle of a record player and watch it go around and around and around...118. put it on a plinth as a kind of organic statue... 119. Hang it on a gold chain and wear it round your neck.120. Hang two on loops, hang them round your ears and audition for a part on Eastenders.121. Put it forward as the Green candidate at the next election122. Use them as a new form of currency.123. Slice it carefully, and use it as disposable place mats and coasters.124. Christen your daughter it.125. Worship them as gods.126. Use them for tissue paper.127. Mash them up, and collect the fibres through some complicated process to produce paper.128. Pile them up and cement them together to form a wall.129. Borrow a MiG 21 and drop a few on Paris on April 1st.130. Feed it to a Guinea Pig. My guinea pigs love lettuce.131. Feed it to me, I'm not over keen on them, but i am starving.132. Wire it up to teh national grid and use it as a cheap form of street lighting.133. Inpregnate it with perfume and use it as an nice looking air freshner.134. Make a marmite and lettuce sandwich and feed it to Orcus.135. Drill a hole in one, and attach a whatsit to it to make a key ring136. Count 42 of them to provide reassurance.137. use it as a teddy bear, by attaching a large one to two small ones for legs, two small ones for arms, and a slightly larger one for a head. hollow it out and cover your head with it to protect yourself from teh bugblatter beast of trall.138. hollow it out and use it as a french letter? 139. Smoke it.140. Set fire to it for warmth..141. Burry it in the local park, and mark the spot with an "X".142. use it as a bouy.143. Find 1001 things to do with it and then declare yourself "lettuce user master of the world".144. Dress three up in fasionable clothes, get them to record a cheesy pop song and become the next bit hit boy band. 145. Hide one in your underpants and wonder about with it ther146. clean it.147. forget about it while you're trying to find 101 things to do with a cucumber.148. pretend it's a cucumber.149. throw it at actors after a bad performance.150. use it in a magicians act (pull a lettuce out of a hat).151. chop it into tiny little pieces then feed it to your fish.152. use it instead of tupperware.153. paint it blue then take it to the doctors.154. use it as the next regeneration of Doctor Who.155. put it in jail.156. get it drunk.157. send it to someone as junk mail.158. give it away as a christmas present.159. arm wrestle it.160. play chess with it.162. lose it.163. leave it at school.164. put it in a cage.165. use it as an excuse to go to africa.166. Clone it.167. take it apart then try and put it back together again.168. take it apart and use the pieces to build a computer.169. lick it.170. use it as a sick bag.171. watch television in it.172. use it as a mouse trap.173. put it on your pancakes.174. put it in a sandwich.175. Hold it hostage.176. use it as a cannon ball.177. give it to someone as a present.178. stand on a bridge with a friend, a large supply of lettuce, and play "poo lettuce". 179. Send it to University and find out if it can get a degree.180. Hand it over to the united nations.181. Use it as a form of public transport (well, it will stand a good cahnce of being more effective than the trains, busses tube etc, in the UK_).182. BE proud of it.183. Use it to prop up the NHS.184. Use it to prop up the government/dome.185. use as giant sized snooker balls.186. Use as an eyeball replacement/alternative.187. use as a globe and paint map of world on it.188. Sponser it to run in a marathon for charity.189. Evolve it.190. Use a lettuce dog to round them up from the field.191. Give it a insecurity complex.192. Send it to the shrink.193. Use it to test dangerous chemicals/drugs on.194. put a message inside with your phone number and address on and throw it into the sea, to see how far it can float in the ocean.195. Get an infinite number of them and see how long it takes them to write the complete works of Shakespere. 196. trade them as pokemon cards.197. count them.198. use it as a floppy disc and save data on it. 199. use it as a floppy disc, save your homework on it, then feed it to your dog.200. take it to the pub and get it drunk.201. torture it.202. get the BBC to ban it.203. make it a swear word.204. called it the Starship Enterprise NCC1701-Lettuce.205. sign it.206. Campaign for it.207. Give it to nighthoover. 208. cuddle it.209. trade it in for a new model.210. sell it.211. buy it.212. play it on MTV.213. Write a song about it.214. Give it to the BBC so they can do a really dull documentary about it which they can show at peak time to ensure no one watches it.215. Put a picture of it on the front cover of an album.216. Give it to your brothers in arms.217. Be afraid of it.218. Pretend it is a jailhouse Rock.219. Tie a chain around its neck and take it anywhere.220. Steal it.221. Freeze it.222. Pretend it is a fish and put it in your ear.223. Ask little school girls if they want to come home with you and see your lettuce.224. Base a new dance routeen on its lifecycle.225. Learn about the interesting manner in which a seed of a lettuce must recive appropiate stimuli in order to be able to germinate.226. Use it as a model in a still life art class.227. use it as an key for an elaborate organic lock.228. invest in it.229. devolve it.230. Forget about it.231. Train it to do the washing up.232. stick it on your face with superglue and use it as a pretend wart.233. Use it as an excuess to bunk off work/school/college/torture duty.234. Use it for target practise.235. Line a bunch up in a room, and practise speeches/talks/presentations at them.236. Register it in the census and see if it gets a vote.237. Try and get a credit card for it.238. Take it into accident and emergency at the local hospital, and refuse to leave untill they revive it.239. Use it as a pretend kidney and transplant it into a sick relitive.240. Use it as silicon replacement matterial for breast enlargement cosmetic surgery opperations.241. Paint it and use as a false eyeball.242. Put it in a cradle and rock it.243. take some of the leaves and make a pot of lettuce tea.244. make it into a pair of blue shoes.245. Wear it with pride. 246. Pine for it.247. let it go its own way.248. let it immigrate.249. let it have a mid-life crisis.250. take it to market.251. Float it on the stock exchange.252. put it on the railway to Russia.253. Try to make it rust.254. Give it to your teacher instead of an apple.256. dust it.257. distress it. 258. make it one of the family. 259. make it earn its keep. 260. deduct its saliery. 261. Video it. 262. photograph it. 263. watch it decay. 264. Hide it under the seat in a friends car and see how long it takes them to find it. 265. Lend it to someone. 266. Borrow one from someone. 267. Give it its own armoured convoy 268. make bread out of it. 269. make bread with it. 270. make bread in it. 271. bake it in a breadoven. 272. cover it in batter. 273. cover it in breadcrumbs. 274. put it inside a loaf of bread. 275. smuggle it into America. 276. hide a bomb inside it. 277. put it in a foodmixer. 278. donate it to charity. 279. sell it at half price. 280. sleep with it. 281. but it a computer. 282. dress it up as Santa Claus. 283. put it at the top of your Christmas tree. 284. write your name on it. 285. but it a dog collar. 286. cut out a smiley face and use it as a lantern on halloween. 287. put it in your stocking. 288. use it as an excuse to procrastinate. 289. use it as an excuse to read the h2g2 post. 290. use it as an excuse not to read the Times. 291. give it an e-mail address. 292. put it in the freezer to eat next year. 293. get it to do your french homework. 294. Teach it to read hte BBC Radio Four news/shipping forecast. 295. Take it to german bite. 296. Send it to malin. 297. post it to silly automatic. 298. Send it onto Home Truths. 299. Teach it to attack John Peel300. Itch it. 301. Give it its own roadshow..302. Book it into a hotel.303. Give it "denial of service". 304. Let it reach retirement age and then get it a pension. 305. Take it to the gym. 306. Enter it into Lettuce Universe. 307. Call it Pat Armstrong. 308. Pick it up. 309. Fax it to a friend. 310. find its finger. 311. Tell it a storey. 312. Tell it a lie. 313. Make it stop spitting. 314. have mixed feelings about it. 315. Force it to call out the local police. 316. Don't get involved with it. 317. Start a vendetta against it. 318. make it cry. 319. tie it up. 320. take it to the dentist. 321. give it false teth. 322. buy it a toothbrush. 323. dye it's hair blonde. 324. make sure it is only viewable in classic goo. 325. force it to watch Doctor Who. 326. get a Dalek to Exterminate it. 327. get the borg to Assimilate it. 328. Get Mulder to create an X-File about it. 329. Get a women to impregnate herself with out so that she can have some cute little lettumans. 330. use it as a christmas tree. 331. use it as christmas wrapping paper. 332. Produce them in a collectible series and sell them to the kinds of people that like the collectible collections of things. Then, collect them. 333. Swing it. 334. Surrent it. 335. Surrender to it. 336. Tell it that "ressistance is fertile". 337. Kiss it. 338. Use it as a tampon/santary towel. 339. Stretch it. 340. compress it. 341. Send it down the long and winding road. 342. Take it to Scarborough fair. 343. Take it on a taxi drive. 344. Build a house of it. 345. Live in it. 346. Play air guitar with it. 347. Give it its own radio series. 348. Give it a job as Home Secretory. 349. Go into great detail about it. 350. Crush its ambitions. 351. make it back down. 352. Form an allience between it and the Liberal party. 353. Invite it to a conversation on MSN messenger. 354. Protect it. 355. teach it to sing (in perfect harmony ) 356. make it the figurehead of a "we want a smiley" campaign 357. Paint it black and white, strap it down, and pretend it is a penguine in bondage. 358. Teach it to dance the perverted tango.. 359. Import it from Edward Airforce base. 360. Dry the leaves and make them into Drum skins. 361. Ship-wreck it. 362. Send it off on holiday. 363. Buy it a lottery ticket. 364. Give it the licence to run the national lottery. 365. Scratch it. 366. Counterfit it. 367. Eat 820 million. 368. Keep it in the dark. 369. Let it call "you and yours". 370. Have faith in it. 371. have confedance in it. 372. Get planning permission for it. 373. send it to the shops for the morning papers 374. dry it out & smoke it 375. feed your pet rabbit to it 376. sacrifice it in a satanic and rituealistic manner. 377. Transport it for thousands of miles and then sell it for an unrealisticly inexpensive price, that does not represent the full hidious damage caused to the environment and various communities by its voyage involving means of transport that do not have taxible fuels yet which damage the environment more profoundly than other means of transport that do have rather heavily taxed fuel source. 378. Try to understand what the previous reference to it actually means. 379. Take it to hell. 380. Take it to heaven. 381. Put it on top of cloud nine. 382. Do not pet it. 383. Play it on your CD player. 384. make a pirate copy with your CD RW. 385. nail it to your little toe. 386. Rip off all your finger nails and toe nails and replace them with cunningly painted and varnished lettuce leaves. 387. Look inside it. 388. Let it look inside you. 389. Pretend its the Queen and fire ping pong balls at it. 390. Pretend it is Prince Charles and hit it with a rose/carnation/some flower i can't remember for sure. 391. Scan it. 392. PET Scan it. 393. Scan it with computer aided tomography. 394. Perform polymerase chain reaction on it. 395. Serotype it. 396. Give it a blood transfusion. 397. Titrate it. 398. Put it down the wishing well. 399. Put it in a bag. 400. Crush it up in a pestil and mortre and extract the chlorophyll from it in a science practicle at school. 401. Write a book about it. 402. hide it under your bed. 403. Pretend it is a skelaton and put in your wardrobe. 404. Down-size it. 405. Restructure it. 406. Decide it is the most interesting thing ever ever ever, and bring together all pieces of associated information to describe in great detail through the formation of a new society, its relivence in modern society outside the jouristiction of that society primarily created to examine the lores governing its perfect creation and being. 407. put it in a rocket and make it the first lettuce in space 408. Take it down in a submarine. 409. Use it to fan yourself in the warm summer afternoons spent on the beech sipping variously coloured fermented vegatable products which may or may not include lettuce beer. 410. Show it the worm that turned. 411. Feed it to the worm that turned. 412. Water it. 413. fill it with lead, attack a bit of string to it, and tie the other end of the piece of string to a tooth that needs to be extracted, using another rop tie yourself to the window frame and then throw the lettuce out of the window in order to remove the tooth/window frame. 414. Stare at it. 415. Make it nervous. 416. Take it to the dungeon. 417. Spank it. 418. Drop it on the middle of an iceburg. 419. listen to it talking to itself. 420. saddle it. 421. blast it with experimental x-rays to give it super-hero powers so it can become a crime-fighting lettuce 422. Improve it. Set up a college fund for it. 423. Invest it. 424. Grind it up and use as washing powder/dye. 425. Catogrise it in a league table involving other notible membres of the photosynthetic kingdom. 426. Grow Fungi on it. 427. keep calling it a cabbage and see if it has an identity crisis 428. keep talking to it in a cynical attempt to manipulate the most recent conversations list and thus bring it the public recognition it deserves 429. Give it a "studio tan". 430. Poisen the weasil that ripped my flesh with it. 431. Let it travel on a ship arriving too late to save a drowning witch. 432. Put it in a burnt weeny sandwich. 433. Sell it to an orange county lumber truck. 434. Give it to dynamo hum. 435. Give it a starring role in starfleet. 436. Rummage through it. 437. Write a rock opera about it. 438. Unplug it. 439. Make it ride the lightening. 440. Take it to a night at the opera. 441. Give it money for nothing. 442. Put one on every street. 443. make it the master of reality. 444. Make it hyper-paranoid by talking about it. 445. Take it to another world. 446. use it as a fassion statement. 447. Give it its own slot in stand up comedy night at Bar XS. 448. Put it in the dust bin. 449. Lock it in a room with an endlessly looped CD of Spice Girl tracks playing. 450. Take it to see the rock and roll doctor. 451. Give it a spinal tap. 452. Tell it some bad news. 453. Let it be. 454. Imagine it whilst daydreaming. 455. Preserve it in famaldahyde. 456. Use it to get satisfaction. 457. sacrifice it under the full moon. 458. Tell it about "two little boys" and see if it leeks. 459. Shave it. 460. let it become actor 461. let play in movies - on tv - musicals - tv spots 462. let it apear in talkshows. like Oprah 463. ask Steven Spielberg to making movie with the lettuce title: "from seedling to dust" 464. ask Sir Attenbourgh to make documetary about lettuce title "the growth of ...." 465. give it role in his/her own computer game 466. give it role in other computergames - as villian - goodguy - anoyance 467. guest apeances in movies and tv series 468. ask other actors to kiss it 469. give it holywood star 470. give it oscar - tony 471. let present a radio or tv programm 472. let start restaurant - cafe - hotel - pub 473. give a sex scandal 474. give it fanclcub 475. let create cult - cult name "childeren of the lettuce" - main prayer "lettuce pray" 476. Demolish it in order to make way for a bipass. 477. archive it. 478. aerosol it. 479. abolish it. 480. absolve it. 481. appreciate it. 482. autoclaive it. 483. aim at it. 484. aid it. 485. adress it as "warble the mighty green carbuncle from unular vulgarus". 486. astonish it. 487. astound it. 488. arrive late at its birthday party. 489. arrive late at its funneral. 490. ask it questions regarding its association with Ms Lewinsky. 491. Ask it to strut its stuff. 492. answer all its evil questions in the chair with the mighty walress effergy printed high on its back, beyond the walls of delusion from escape from itsp petrifying clutches and torturous questioning in the night without sleep or sustanaince. 493. amend it. 494. bark at it. 495. baa at it. 496. bray at it. 497. Break its resolution of evil matterations. 498. belch at it. 499. Breezly gain its confedance before eating/killing/sexually involve it. 500. breath it. 501. bore it. 502. boar it. 503. crush it as though it were a grape. 504. cussion its fall from an eighteenth floor window. 505. Curse its inability to have a sensible conversation or discussion with you, or anybody you invite to dinner parties. 506. Develop a complicated love circle around it. 507. Drain it. 508. Echo everything it says in order to seek revenge for the tortures it has exposed you to. 509. Eat its relitives in front of it.. 510. entertain it. 511. earnestly explain to it why it has lesser rights than other lifeforms. 512. Erotically arrose it. 513. Eal fish with it as bait. 514. Empty your emotions to it. 515. Frantically save it from the clutches of the evil cucumber pretender army. 516. Flombay it. 517. group hug it. 518. group grope it. 519. Greese it and use it as a sexual plaything. 520. gamble it. 521. greet it with welcome arms when it comes to visit and make it welcome into your home, treating it as an equal contributor to the greater picture of cultural development. 522. Hitch a couple of mates dates with it. 523. hopelessly explain quantum theory to it. 524. half it and give each of the two halfs to someone you hate. 525. Ignite it. 526. Indicate to it the correct manner in which to prepare lettuce for incorperation into a salid, to its great distaste as it observes you killing heartlessly several of its lettuce friends. 527. ask the H2G2 community about it 528. Create disbelief and incredulity from Rat by having a long drawnout conversation about lettuce and its uses... 529. Give a lettuce a penny for the guy. 530. manafacture a monster from it. 531. call it bob. 532. Call all lettuce's bob. 533. Discuss it on morrel maze on BBC radio four. 534. Do a docusoap on lettuce. 535. Get the lettuce blacklisted with the credit agencys. 536. hover a banna above it and a turnip below it whilst symultainiously throwing grapes and parsnips at passers by on a street corner in central london, where strawberries can provide alternative relief from turnip inconveinances involving contributions from assorted types of lettuce. 537. Become absolutly and completely fascinated and obsesed by it and its functions. 538. Elect it to the local countil. Let it be judge and jurrey. 539. Stand up for lettuce rights. 540. Equal rights for lettuce's. 541. Write to lettuce's. 542. Start up a Lettuce pen pals club. 543. Seperate lettuce sex from lettuce reproduction through use of reproductive medacine procedures. 544. Publically shame lettuce's. 545. Brandish it at people in the dead of night in dark allays, causing them to scream loudly and run away very fast (not that i would know obfviously). 546. Let it be an individual. 547. Give it a blue peter badge. 548. Use it as a surrogate tennis ball. 549. Stretch it out and nail it to the wall as a towel rail. 550. Pretend its a wardrobe, and walk into it, ending up in a majical world with dwarves pixies and all kinds of nymphs and strange talking animals. 551. Reason with it. 552. Give it "the chop". 553. Lock it in the tower of London on a tuesday afternoon for 94 days. 554. Puzzle it. 555. puzzle at it. 556. jinx it. 557. hold it in one hand and jump along the corodoor to the lift, go down to the ground floor and then present it to the person who runs halls saying "i've found your best friend". 558. brick it in. 559. Wrap it in tinfoil and use it to deflect the radio signals sent by voles. If we don't stop them soon, they will interfere with police wavebands. 560. Tempt the chinchillas out of your sock drawer. 561. Cry with it. 562. Die with it. 563. make music with it. 564. Throw it at the evil dasterdly grey Squirrels which are planing to take over teh world and turn all humans into their slaves and subject us to endless torture. 565. Use it to confusse/attack the sheep. 566. Pretend its a sheep/squirrel and practise sword strokes on it. 567. Use it as a head for a guy (as in guy fawlkes). 568. pretend its the remote control and sit on teh sofa trying to change channels, before eventually getting up and turning the channel over manually (if you can find any buttons on a new TV that is). 569. Use it as a hair band. 570. paint it red, wear it on your nose and pretend you are a clown. 571. Use it as a novility belt buckle. 572. Attach it to your computer, just for the fun of it.. 573. lay on the lettuce bed to get some sleep. 574. Use the lettuce as inspiration and become a WWF wrestler with the name "the killer lettuce"? 575. Market the lettuce as an environmentally friendly, portable, dynamically coloured, spherical, temperature sensitive, easy to slice, convenient, versatile, loyal, trustworthy, economical, biodegradable, nuclear free, uncontaminated, non-threatening, self-contained, lightweight, hand-grown, sympathetic, soothing, fun for all the family, new and interesting brand of toilet paper. 576. Join it. 577. drill holes in them and make a necklace by stringing them together with, go figure, string beans? Wind it round your finger. 578. Ban it. 579. Cut and paste the lettuce. 580. Sub let the lettuce . 581. Let the lettuce. 582. Rent it out to descerning readers of lettuce weekly. 583. deliminate it. 584. circumnavigate it. 585. Give it membership of the local golf club. 586. Dance with it. 587. hollow it out and drink from it. 588. use it to confuse the police. 589. Put it on the railway tracks, so it can be used as an excuess for the trains running late. 590. sew the leaves together and make a dress 591. Put it in the cage/tank with your BioBreeding Rats, to keep them company whilst they are alive, then, use it to soak up all the blood released when harvesting teh spleens from teh BioBreeding rats. 592. Teach it to play guitar/drums/saxaphone/piano. 593. Send it off around the world on a cruise. 594. Pretend it is Tom Cruise. 595. Kick it. 596. Use it as a prop. 597. mock it. 598. give it a job as a moderator 599. give it quiz show: the lettuce link 600. give it a date show called "lettuce link up" 601. use it as printing paper 602. Give it a role in The Archers. 603. mollify it. 604. squander it. 605. debilitate it. 606. smite it. 607. covet it. 608. doubt it. 609. Use it for archery practise. 610. disqualify it. 611. Enter it in the TT races. 612. make it into a square shape. 613. Make it read teh dictonary. 614. Make it run cross country. 615. take it to the gym. 616. take it jogging. 617. cover it in mud. 618. roll it down the cannal path. 619. watch it have