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Amanda Leigh Brozana: LIFE ON THE OUTSKIRTS

This page has taken on a completely new look after a night of remodelling. I am still not finished, but hope to have everything that is on here functional within the next two weeks. Bear with me. I'm a college student with credit overload and way too many committments.

Want to know what I search for? Check out my personal ad ;)...

I have archived a few of my old polls from this site... Check them out, and be sure to vote!

A little about this site:

I try to update this site each day, but sometimes it just doesn't happen. This is my place to tell you what's up in the world of A, rant about issues that I feel are important, and give you a better insight to me. I have a lot of different things compiled on this site so far, and it can only get better, so stop by frequently, and take it all in!

One of my favorite parts of this site: A list of My Favorite IM Away Messages!!

A's Update of the Day/Week/Month:

(10-18-01) --- I have been working furiously to get this site, and three others up-to-date and working well. I would really like to promise a date when all of them should be finished, but due to time constraits, I have no idea!
Hopefully I will have this finished by the end of the semester - before I go back to slow connections and busy signals with the ISP at home. If you have anything you would like to help me with as far as layout or design goes for this site, it would be greatly appreciated! ;)

To see old updates, click on:


Another section to this page is called Questions and A's, which I have had on since right after its creation. Cute, not cute, whatever you think, I like it... I know that I don't update this often, but the questions section is one of the most interesting and personal parts of the site, so if you email me question I would like to answer, I'll post it on here with a witty, but truthful response. I am very open about whatever is asked, so I will most likely put any question up that you submit... have fun!
I've had one round of questions already posted and viewed a few times. Those are archived at:


And, since no one has given me any questions to post in a while, I have archived all the old questions, and will leave this spot reserved for your questions. Ask anything. :)

Places this site will take you to...

Also, please check out ABSENTEE BALLAD on the web! They're excellent (of course, they have to be with Scott in the band). ;) CLICK ON THE LINK BELOW:

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