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All About Me

     So you wanna know all about me, huh? You must either be really bored or have a weird obsession with me; I'll put my money on the first one. Now that you have entered my site, I have permission to waste as much of your time as I like. First of all, let me explain why I even made this website. It was an assignment for my ROP class at Kennedy High School. Even though it is for school, I am going to have a lot of fun with it. It is my personal site in which I can put any school appropriate thing that I wish. Please enjoy.

     Okay, now it is time for me to talk about me. My name is Michael Scott West. I am sixteen years old. My birthday is August 12. All you math people can figure out the year. I am of European descent, which is obvious if you know me. If you knew me, you would also know that I have two very annoying brothers; one younger and one older. I am at a loss of words to dexcribe myself right now, so just click on a link to learn more about me.

Well, I have to have an snchor link on my main page, so its just gonna take you down to the links to my other pages.....right. Click Here.

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