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Yeah I kinda totally forgot this site existed... and I'm probably writing this for no one since no one visits it anymore.... but yeah... I really don't have any free time at all to update this anymore, but I will try to soon--I did manage to update the links section so they all work now, which I'm pretty impressed with personally.... but look around, have fun, it's at least vaguely amusing....
DISCLAIMER: The following pages are not recommended for the weak hearted, pregnant, or ignorant. The characters, and likenesses of characters, and distortions of likenesses of characters on these pages are used without the permission or knowledge of the distortions of the likenesses of the characters, likenesses of the characters, characters or actual persons portraying the aforementioned distorted characters and likenesses. Any statement made on these pages about any person is entirely fictional, not to mention not necessarily true or believed by the authors of these stories. Or are they? The following names/brands/companies/characters/likenesses/logos are used without the permission of their respective owners: Cradle of Filth, Suncoast, Mountain Dew, Pepsi, Fruit Works, Agape, Mudvayne, Punisher, Dragon Ball Z, Marvin the Martian, Duct Tape, Helzberg Diamonds (Helzberg Demons), Spitfire, Burlap, Marilyn Manson, McDonalds, Kittie, Sorcerer Hunters, Mr. Smoothie, and Candid Camera. We are not insulting/mocking/degrading/supporting/discrediting any religion, religious group, religious sect, clergy member or other religious leader, cult, church, religious figure, deity, semi-deity, or practitioner of any religion, nor do we mean to offend any of the aforementioned religion-related persons, groups, organizations, or superhuman entities. We also do not mean to offend/insult/degrade the Polish, fish, iguanas, knights, faeries, giant ants, angels (see also religion and religious figures), the color green, or The Greater Pittsburgh Renaissance Festival. Any resemblence or similarity of any character or likeness portrayed on these pages to any real person, living or dead (or some combination), is likely. Coincidence? I think not! The Devil cartoon on the front page is property of Tatsuya Ishida and Sinfest productions-- see for more on this awesome comic. We would like to thank yogurt, Detroit Rock City, and the Bard. Offer valid in 49 states. (sorry Tennessee) Please do not sue us if you are offended by anything on this web site because we have already lost all our money, souls, sanity, and worldly possessions playing rock-paper-scissors, so you won't get anything. And Daniel Fricking Kirkwood, we are so, SO sorry.

*****THE STORIES*****

The Knights of Lower Slobovia

Attack of the Killer Mutant Iguanas

Looks Left, Turns Right

Fourth Story (not yet titled)

One-Time-Use Camera: $9.99

Photo Developing: $3.99

This expression:


Pronounciation Key (it's much funnier if you talk like we do)


Greater PIttsburgh Renaissance Festival

Come visit the place where it all began!

Studio Nemo
Meghan's site! Yay Meghan!

Mike put that as his web address when he signed the guestbook. It's not really his site, but it's amusing. You probably shouldn't go there if you actually are emo, tho....

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