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    Top 100 clan web sites

  • >>Allies

  • -|SM|-

  • News Posted By: -[h4x]-KillerZ :: IM
    9/24/02 - Hello everyone. The site is under the control of -[h4x]-KillerZ. It should see progress very soon. For all the members, our downloads and links should be ready soon. Our ip is If you ever want to scrim, have questions, or want to purchase admin, please contact me, code, or server. Our AIM screen names are: Soon2BeKilla - Me towmemak47 - Server Fragger Fatbasterdx - Code Red.
    10/14/02 - Ok, we're going to buy a server, but we need you members/recruits to tribute some money. We will all be paying hopefully for the server. Admin is cheap, only $5 for half a month and $8 for full a month. Please contact Code Red about paying, his e-mail is:
    10/16/02 - How do you like the layout and background? I changed everything, the old one was kind of boring, and the new banner looks better too! -|SM|- is our newest ally ever, if you see that tag, give them respect as they will give us. I will try my best to update this site more often. And I'd like to thank -[h4x]-`Code*`-ReD`*- and -[h4x]-Tur0k for beating [MsK] in a mini 2vs2 scrim. Not a regular 5vs5 scrim, but still counts as a scrim.