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19th of June
good morning ! its about o9.45 am.early huh? well i couldnt sleep anymore becoz my tummy hurts soooo much =( poor me lol well anyways guess what??? 10 DAYS untill my bf will come to see me..if u dont know whats so special about it just find out on my site hehe! mwahh claudy

18th of June
hey guys. well i did it again n started to built a new website i really hope that i wont close it this time lol. as u can see , its still under construction so please be patient k? u will find out a lot about me,my life,friends, and my family.except THAT u can find pix of me and my friends , graphix , links , fun stuff etc... got any ideas?? >>> id appreciate it if u let me know through email ! thanks!!! im sure you wondered why this site is in english..well thats becoz of my bf and lots of other ppl from different countries who also want to understand what im talking about =) anyways i hope u will enjoy my site, plz leave comments thanks a lot! mwaaah claudy xox

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