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Shadow Talk

Welcome to my warped corner of the cyberverse...

Here ye shall find some of the works that have somehow escaped the raging chaos that is my creative side...

Beware all who read here, you may leave a changed person!

You may like it, you may not. You may agree, you may not. You may understand, you may not.

We all percieve things in a different way, which is what makes us all so unique and is also the reason why i cannot describe every scene of every day - SO, you have my leave to read on and on, till the dark side consumes you and leads you out towards the light.

Enough of the twaffle and fly!



Clicking on the links below will take you to the appropriate pages of my poetry/lyrics, whatever u wanna call em...
The links that were there before you were here last, have been moved - look for the new link below...i've been re-decorating...

Behold! the creativity of the Madness...

A Beginners Guide to staying Alive (What IS Shadow Talk?)
The very beginning of your tour of Shadow Talk...