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Fernando Díaz del Castillo (

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Course Objectives     Course Contents Updated 06/05/2002



The development of newer and quicker information storage and communication technologies (like the Internet, CD Rom and DVD encyclopedias…) is giving contemporary man access to an amount of information (and misinformation) that is beyond Gutenberg's wildest dreams. Therefore men have had to develop skills to manage the incredible amounts of information that is available in consistent and constructive ways to be able to participate actively in social life.

English is becoming a worldwide lingua franca (with the help of the Internet and American and British political and economical power); in our time it is necessary to be able to communicate efficiently in English (written and spoken) in a variety of contexts in order to study, do business, travel or access the information in the most of the World Wide Web.

Through the development of specific language-related areas such as reading, writing, researching, etc.  it is possible to develop not only linguistic abilities and communicative competence, but to tie those areas to using the language in real life situations, developing analytical processes, and acquiring cognitive skills.





By the end of the school year the students will be able to… 

Demonstrate their improvement in the usage of English in a variety of contexts by making appropriate lexical and grammatical choices.

  • Know and apply study and presentation techniques like the elaboration of outlines, drafts, charts, oral presentations and essays.

  • Read an argumentative text, recognize its main parts and judge the validity of the hypothesis by critically agreeing or disagreeing with the author.

  • Recognize basic literary characteristics of short stories and novels.

  • Use the Internet more efficiently as a research and communication tool.

Table of Contents


Text and Talk




Vocabulary, Capitalization, Punctuation, Paragraphs

Research Project: paraphrafing, research process, outlines, citing sources

Science Fiction and Mystery: Setting, Characters, Plot

Essays, Hypothesis, Rationale

Searching the Web

Dictionary use, vocabulary, verb forms and tenses Research projet, first and final drafts Fantasy Novel: creation of worlds through literature Topic, Object, Problem Web (HTML) presentations
Pronouns and Prepositions, Vocabulary Script writing, Acting out a scene Mythology Reviewing an essay or argumentative text Course Webpage
Adjectives and Adverbs, Vocabulary Video Detective Stories: inner logic Writing of an essay Course Webpage