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The Declaration of Independence
A WebQuest for 5th Grade
Designed By
Mrs. Brown

The Declaration of Independence was very carefully planned and written.  It remains one of the nation's most important documents.  This project provides for an opportunity to explore various factual information about the Declaration of Independence.  You will be gathering information about the signing of the Declaration, the history of the Declaration, and even view an on-line version of the Declaration.
Each student will gather information about the history and existence of the Declaration of Independence.  In groups of four, students will create a poster that reflects an understanding of the information that has been gathered.  Each group will share their completed poster in a brief presentation to the class.
STEP 1:  Students will gather facts about the Declaration of Independence by answering the following  series of questions.  Resources and links to web sites are provided for researching the topics.

When was the Declaration of Independence approved? (month, day, year) What event occurred in Philadelphia on July 8, 1776?
Who were the colonies declaring independence from? Name the place where the Declaration of Independence was signed.
Who wrote the Declaration of Independence? Who was the first signer of the Declaration of Independence?
Name the individual who both signed the Declaration and designed the United States flag. How many people (total) signed the Declaration of Independence?
What holiday celebrates the approval of the Declaration of Independence?  What do we call the day? On July 19, 1776, Congress ordered the Declaration engrossed.  What does this term mean?


STEP 2: Students will record the information gathered in the form of  written responses to each of the questions in Step 1.  The answers should be typed or written neatly and legibly in blue or black ink!

STEP 3:  Each group of four students will begin to create a unique poster to display the results of their research.  The poster must include at least four original pictures related to the topic.  These must be student created illustrations and original artwork.

STEP 4:  Each group of four students will include written factual information on their poster.  The poster must include at least eight pieces of written information pertaining to the questions that were answered in Step 1.  These facts can be presented as bits of trivia and facts on the poster.

This page created by E. Brown
Teacher, Lafayette School
Last Updated: September 19, 2002