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:. It's The Same Old Thing As Yesterday .:

Tuesday, September 03, 2002

When Mom and I went to Sue's on Sunday, she suggested I start taking night classes for web design. It sounds appealing. I need to google it and see what else I can find out. Class times, size, supplies, how long it would take to complete the course, what knowledge I already need to know. Things like that.
I'm also thinking about getting a cell phone, but I don't know o.o I didn't realize how much I don't know about them until I started thinking about getting one..

spread her wings and flew away @ 3:20 PM

Friday, August 30, 2002

Just put up the About me, Cast, and Quotes pages . Not sure if I'm completely done with them or not, I'll probably add more, change colors ect. Time to get some sleep now..

spread her wings and flew away @ 1:03 AM

Thursday, August 29, 2002

Ahh this is the life ^.^ I've got a full glass of Vanilla Coke, and Andy's being all extra sweet ^.^. Plus JenJen left me a message while I was away. So I can stop worrying that Jas is secretly an ax-murderer, I guess ^.^;;
As you can see, I now have a tag board ! Coming soon, content ! Like the cast of my crazy life, quotes, song lyrics, possibly some random downloads, I haven't decided yet..

spread her wings and flew away @ 9:29 PM

Wednesday, August 28, 2002

I did some shopping with Mom in Bedford today. We went to Sam Goody and Wal-Mart.
The new Weiß Kreuz DVD wasn't in yet >.< So I bought a Buffy guide. " Slayer - An Expanded and Updated Unofficial and Unauthorised Guide to Buffy the Vampire Slayer by Keith Topping ". It goes up to season 5 and I like how this guy breaks the episodes down. It's not as good as the official Watcher's Guides, but I like it.
At Wal-Mart I bought :
Earrings shaped like kissy prints, and a pair shaped like lipstick tubes that say "Love" on them
New Conditioner, Salon Selectives ^.^
A tube of lipstick. Maybelline Wet Shine in Lilac Lick ^.^
Clean and Clear Daily Pore cleanser, I rarely get pimples, and I plan to keep it that way *nods*
We went shopping directly after I got off work, so I'm still in my Arby's uniform, and this older woman stops me, wanting to know where something was. I was all..
" I wouldn't know, I'm sorry. "
Woman: " You don't work here ? "
*shows her the Arby's patch on my shirt* " No.. I work at an Arby's."
Woman: " Oh." *walks off*
Weird. o.o

Jason is arriving at JenJen's right about.. now. I feel jealous. And I hate it, cause she's became my best friend, even if it is just online, and I love her so much. But there's just soo many people I'd like to meet in person like she is getting to with Jas. Andy, to name the highest on the list..
JenJen: eeehehehee! I"m ready to go!
JenJen:--giggles bunches-- I talky you laters, maybe jas and I will pop in one evening and say hi! ^.^
Me: Hehe, have lotsa fun JenJen, and give Jas a huggle for me ^.^
JenJen: will do!
JenJen: -hugggles da sar bunches-
Me:*huggles back lotsa bunches*

I stole this from Anthony :

i have issues. but i also recognise this fact and do what i can to resolve those issues. i may have spent a long time letting those issues control me, but now i'm ready to take the upper hand and wonder about the world around me. i'm getting to be well-balanced, but i'm not quite there yet.

spread her wings and flew away @ 6:20 PM

~ Javascript
~ Millions of colors
~ Comic Sans MS
~ Made using a 1024x768 resolution
~ Tolerance for Buffy the Vampire Slayer
~ An open mind
About me
Name: Sarah
Nicknames: Sar, SarSar, Sarah-Chan, Sarah Sweetheart,
Sarah-Pooh, Sawa
Age: Nineteen
Location: Indiana
Birthday: October 30th 1982
Status: Single..
Employed: Arby's
Favorite Colors: Any shade of purple or pink, silver, black
Favorite Movie: The Princess Bride
Favorite TV Shows: Buffy the Vampire Slayer,
Angel - The Series, The Simpsons
Favorite Bands/Singers: Alanis Morissette, Dashboard Confessional, Further Seems Forever, Michelle Branch
Favorite Food: Pizza or French Fries
Favorite Animes/Manga: Vision of Escaflowne, Weiss Kreuz, Serial Experiments Lain, Sailor Moon, Peach Girl, Angel Sanctuary
Bishies: Fujimiya Ran, Hidaka Ken, Shuichi Takatori, Allen Schezar III, Folken Fanel, Van Fanel, Fiore, Mamoru Chiba, Setsuna Mudo, Kira Sakuya
Bishoujos: Manx, Naria, Eriya, Merle, Hitomi, Lain Iwakura, Serena (Usagi) Tsukino/Sailor Moon, Mina (Minako) Aino/Sailor Venus, Setsuna Meiou/Sailor Pluto, Momo Adachi, Alexiel, Sarah Mudo
Seibutsus: Luna, Artemis, Diana
Favorite Flowers: Jasmine (Attachment), Lilies (Purity),
Roses (Love), Lilacs (Innocence, First Love)
Honeysuckle (Affection), Sakura Blossoms
Currently Feeling: The current mood of at
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StarrySarSar got their NeoPet at Click for Orleans, Indiana Forecast

Sarah/Female/16-20. Lives in United States/Indiana/Orleans/Small, speaks English. Spends 60% of daytime online. Uses a Normal (56k) connection. And likes Anime/Buffy the Vampire Slayer.

Get around my site
Archives Eventually ...
The Cast
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My Site, Burnt Elvish Sprinkles
My Spike Fan Site, Spelled By Spike
My Livejournal" Friends Only "..
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My Favorite Blogs/Sites
The Oubliette
Cutsie Stuffs ! Jen's Website
Liquid Fluff Jas's Website

I love Emo Boys ^.^

Just Email My Heart
I hate MIDIs


Girlfriends, actually Tara Fan

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Buffy Pic and Quote of the Week !
 Clicky for larger version
" I feel wicked stupid.." - Faith
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