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World Wrestling Corporation presents...

HeAT Results


Subj: HeAT Results Date: 02/06/2002 16:53:49 GMT Daylight Time From: CHAZ MCMAHON To: MarneyGeorge WWC HeAT

WWC HeAT started off with Mr. McMahon arriving at the Arena. Mr. McMahon stepped out of the Limousine with a cocky smile on his face. Vince said to the chauffer that he was announcing a new Superstar to the Federation later on tonight! Mr. McMahon strutted off with still a huge smile on his face as HeAT went to an early commercial.

HeAT's first Match since nearly three months was Tazz Vs. Justin Credible for the WWC Hardcore Championship. This would hopefully end the feud of the two Hardcore an ex-ECW Members.

SUMMARY: The Dudleyz once again came out to help their fellow friend retain his Championship after a gruesome but entertaining Hardcore Match.

Mr. McMahon was sipping tea when Commissioner Hogan walked in! Vince stood straight up and the two men went eye to eye. Hogan said that whatever Vince had up his sleeve, he would be sure to find out what it was. Vince laughed and said that he would indeed find out what the new person was about, but he would just have to wait and be patient like everyone else.

The Rock then entered the Arena looking sharp. He then passed Jericho's locker room. Rock looked at the door and turned to the camera. He then gave a People's Eyebrow and said he had an idea. He smiled and walked off afterwards.

Trish Stratus and Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley were shown earlier in the day promoting WWC KING OF THE RING and the fourth Birthday of the CCW/WWC era.

Match 2 was headed up next and it was Booker T Vs. Scott Steiner in a Non-Title bout.

SUMMARY: The Corporation Members came down to help Booker T after Scott Steiner hit his Steiner Recliner.

Vince was watching his T.V in the back and he was clapping victoriously at what The Corporate Members had just produced in front of his very eyes. His Cell Phone then rang and it was the person! The only thing people could get was Vince replying to the person. Vince looked worried then relived at when the person claimed they were going to be late. Vince said that he needed him for the Main Event and smiled before saying goodbye and putting the phone down.

Commissioner Hogan had just seen what Vince said on his monitor and said that he thought this person would be involved in the Main Event of tonight.

Triple H then was sitting at his desk in his locker room when there was a knock at the door? Triple H opened the door but as soon as he did, a metal pole came flying into his head. Triple H fell on the floor bleeding as the unknown person fled.

Match 3 was next and it was The Damn Dudleyz against The Undertaker in a Handicap Table Match! Commissioner Hogan came onto the Stage just before the Match began and announced if the Dudleyz won this Match they could fight for The Tag Team Championships on RAW this Monday! Vince McMahon then strutted out to the Stage and said that he wouldn't allow two men like that to face his two girls who are by the way in The Corporation. Vince said he was sorry to do this but if they lost… They would never get a Tag Team Title shot EVER! Vince then walked off as did Hogan soon afterwards. The Match then got underway.

MATCH WINNER: The Dudley Boyz
SUMMARY: Hogan came out during the Match and hit Undertaker with a Pipe when he bounced off the ropes, when he ran into the Dudley Boyz groggy, he got the famous 3-D! After a Match that went on for several minutes, it ended in actual cheers for The Dudley Boyz!

Vince was seen getting prepared for the Match next and he was putting a Referee Shirt on! Vince then brushed it down before walking out of the room.

A limousine then pulled up outside the Arena and the door opened.

A promo was then shown for WWC KING OF THE RING. The date would be announced later on and the King Of The Ring qualifiers would be sorted also later on.

Jericho walked out of his Room going to the Ring and The Rock snuck in after he left. The Rock had loads of Spray Paints and Canisters. The Rock then told himself he was going to have a field day! When The Rock opened the door, Triple H emerged! Triple H started pounding on The Rock and the two fought all over the Arena for nearly 10 minutes! Triple H then left The Rock a bloody mess on the floor. Triple H then limped off to seek medical attention for his head from earlier.

Hardkore was then shown from earlier in the day looking in some books about long lost parents. As he looked in one, his eyes lit up and he shouted "OH MY GOD!" The library attendants then hushed him as he said to himself "THAT MAN IS MY FATHER?"

The Main Event of WWC HeAT was up and it put Chris Jericho Vs. Goldust Vs. Rob Van Dam. The Stipulation was Triple Threat and the Title was Intercontinental.

MATCH WINNER: Chris Jericho AND Rob Van Dam
SUMMARY: During the fight, Vince McMahon got out a nice pair of knucks and smashed them over the head of Goldust! When Vince went to do the same to RVD, he missed and hit Chris Jericho. RVD then hit Vince with a Vandaminator and covered Jericho. When another Referee came out, someone pulled the Referee out… IT WAS WILLIAM REGAL! The Ex-CCW and WWC Commissioner knocked the Referee down and went to hit RVD, but RVD got to Regal first. RVD knocked down Regal and hit him with The 5-Star Frog Splash! RVD circled Regal and eventually pushed him out of the Ring. Goldust then stood up slowly and went to hit RVD but again RVD got the better of him! RVD hit him with the Knucks from earlier and covered him. Another Referee came down and then counted the three! Rob Van Dam had become NEW WWC Intercontinental Champion. Hogan came out to the Stage and clapped on but Vince slowly got up and said that while he was on the floor, his head was by Goldust's body and by Jericho's body. He then said that Jericho had his arm on Goldust too! The Referee then announced that Jericho and RVD were both Champion's of the I.C Title. Hogan lost his smile as Vince gained his. HeAT then cut off the air.