

The New Stuff

Damned british asshole. O.o Stop looking at me that way.

Did you know that California isn't really that hot, and Bakersfield is actually pretty damned small. There's no tall buildings. Interplay lied to us all! :~(

Let's cut to the chase, bright eyes. There's something in my head, christ it hurts. I am unhappy. This is what I've noticed, I have five moods. Unhappiness, bloodlust, repressed anger, discontent and depression. What a good spread of juicy humanoid goodness!

mmmmm humanoid...

So anyway, I think the point was, another rather odd girl named Jennifer entered my life temporarily. I have decided that all great wisdom in my life comes from girls named Jennifer who I see and will likely never communicate with again. It's happened quite a few times.

This one has led me to believe that I need to feel. Without a real connection to someone, something, what I do holds no meaning. Jennifer with your orange hair. Jennifer with your green eyes. Jennifer in your dress of deepest purple. Jennifer where are you tonight? Jennifer where are you tonight? That's why I do these things, she said.

I think I need to pay more attention to what all my Jennifer's say.

Just so you know, this is what happens when you lose everything you wanted. Try and avoid it.



Stuff that's Getting Old

Ever notice how not sleeping either really frags you up, or gives you brief moments of clarity. Well it does, okay??!

Or maybe it was just someone who finally got through to me that did it. It felt like clarity.

What is love, really? What does it feel like? You're kicking tires and sitting on a fence, love's falling all around us and it don't make sense. How long can the two of us beat around the bush, we're right out on the edge but we need a little push. Dancing on a tightrope wearing it thin, instead of closing our eyes and jumping in. You're dodging the moon, and I'm playing it safe. And what could be worse than never saying it at all? Never knowing the feeling, never feeling the fall. I used to think I knew what it was, that I'd been really in love before. I realized something, I don't know when, really, but it was pretty recent. I don't know what it was, really, either. But after it happened, I understood something.

I don't think it starts as love. I think it just... like grows. In you, around you, part of you. It works it's way into every part of you. A girl, I know now, well, I must have known on some deep level at the time, that she did that. She became a part of me, part of things I do, part of my thoughts and dreams. I've been trying to catch your eye but I'm so shy, Yeah, I'm a little nervous I'm not sure if, I shoulda put it in writing, It might have been a little reckless, a little desperate, But I think I did the right thing, I couldn't go on living keep it hidden, So I'm telling you everything, It's my confession I hope you get the message. Am I just wierd, to not notice? Do normal people notice? Maybe so long of ignoring and avoiding the things I feel have changed me so I don't notice.

And so now I'm really confused. Not just about this even, about almost everything. Nothing seems to make sense anymore.

And what the heck did the Apollo 12 mission do?



The Older Stuff

Screw Java, this page is Caffine enhanced - I have this thing with Coke.

The thing about life is, it changes. Gotta roll with it, so, in rolling, I frequently hit big, jarring, painful things that are in my way. That, and I change. I can go from a happy little Dryad to dark semi-goth depending on the weather. Of course, it's also possible that I'm manic depressive. Oh well, sometimes you feel like a Tarrasque, sometimes you're a Kirre.

Some days, I'm discordant. Once in a while, I feel like a nymph. Most of the time, I'm just disgruntled, and then people call me Hatchet of the Unwashed Village. I also answer to a few other less noteworthy, and less polite, things.

Really. It's Caffine-enhanced, it's just hard to see. *twitch* And the talking cows and the giant Pokemon are coming to take you away. *twitch*

I have a cat named Meko. Well, technically, it's not my cat. But if you ask the cat, well, actually, that's probably not a good idea. Cats don't usually respond to people talking to them. Sometimes they yawn, if you're lucky.

I scare people sometimes. I don't really know why that is, compared to some of my friends, my level of normalcy is painful. Well, most of my friends are more normal than me, I just have some that are really fragging wierd. But, anyway, some people find me scary.

Ask me why? I dunno.
I just happen to think a roaring house blaze is romantic. It could also be the maniacal laughter or my driving. I get purity test scores in the low 40's, I don't do well on sanity tests. I'm way out of touch with my emotions, and I talk to myself a lot. Some people have no imagination.

The strange people I know say that I'm normal. Is that a compliment? I say I'm just me. Me says he's him. Him says he's got some problems, whatever they happen to be at the moment. I have identity crises on a weekly basis when I'm restless. It makes me do things I probably shouldn't have, but tend to make good stories a few years later.

I want a gauntlet from a suit of mail. I like those, they're pretty sweet. And I wish I had an android... I mean, why not?

Does it hurt to get you're tounge pierced? It looks painful - I see a lot of people who've got chunks of stuff that looks like those little thingys in a carbeurator that fall out and down into the manifold all the time, and I think, "Wow, she's got cool eyes.... woah, lookathat Chevelle."

Mmmm.... Leila... Oh, I watch a lot of cartoons. I think she's hot, though Mira Sorvino is better, and I have a lot of dreams about that girl from Virtual Light. Bender is cool, and Fry reminds me of me. Of course, Chandler does a lot of the time too.

My cat is sleeping on my desk. That's a first, usually he goes for the mousepad.

I think I have a lot of trouble planning ahead for normal things. But luckily, I have a lot of dice. Sadly, the majority of the rest of the human race doesn't see wisdom in owning a lot of dice. I don't see why, because you never know when you're going to need to roll 1286+3d4. What if the world suddenly hinged on the roll of a double-d10?

But really, what the heck was that noise? And there's a guy on the news who got shot in the head. Apparently, his wounds aren't life threatening. Howzzat work? I think, in times like this, we have to look to the immortal words of my friend Dan, who once said, "Really, I had no idea it would blow a hole that big."

Sometimes I twitch. Not like a nervous tick or anything, but like a whole body spasm kind of thing. Psychopaths don't explode. Well, actually, most people don't. I think that's a good thing, because it could cause a lot of problems if we did.

If Wookies don't live on Endor, where do they live? Does Stevie Wonder still cut hair? Just what is up with Penny and her dog Brain?

Democrats piss me off. Or, more acturately, political figures who are associated with Democracy, Facism, Communism, and Fundamentalism piss me off in general. The guy who runs my country punched a protester in the face. The guy who runs my province was almost indited for fraud again. The president of the US got off on his charges for screwing that chick with the big hair and lying. His wife is about to run for congress.

It's hot out. Well, it's only like 28 degrees, but it feels hot. I hate the summer, it's too hot. I like winter, except for the snow. I like the fall the best. My nose bleeds when it's hot, for no reason. My doctor doesn't know why. The leading cause of medical problems in north america is "probably nothing." This is the standard diagnosis for about 70% of things that a doctor encounters. I've had "probably nothing" 6 times before, all of which led to drugs at the minimum, and three times, meant and eventual stay in the hospital.

I'm mentally deficient. Well, I think so. I'd like to get that tattooed on my forehead. It would save me a lot of explaining.

You ever notice how when you're watching TV, and the cable flickers off for a few seconds, it's always at a really important spot? I haven't once witnessed a cable disruption during a comercial.

What if there was no tomorrow? Have you ever considered, just for a moment, that at this very moment, out there, somewhere in the world, that there very well could be a duck who is plotting your death?