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Time to update my opening statements. I'm horrified by what happened, but it's difficult for me to express it in words. Wait. I'll put some work from it up soon. If you feel the need to vent, cry, stress, or emote otherwise- feel free to sign the guestbook. I check it more than I check my email, and delete or protect the really personal notes, so it's as good as a hotline. I really miss you guys right now, so please keep in touch. On another, or perhaps not, Rosh Hashanah has begun very well. There are some Yiddish sayings I'm thinking of, but as my Yiddish [and otherwise] spelling is atroshish [sp.], I'll spare you. Good luck to Missy and Jade at the Ms. WHS Pageant- I'll cheer you on from the audience. Have a pleasant week you guys!! Sign the Guestbook, Please!!! Kisses!! PS- I've fixed the link to Blake's page.

England, Links, and Ben's Page. Enjoy!!
IM Poetry The only poetry I have up right now.
PoemsA few random poems of mine, and some from Ricardo and Jonathann. I'll put up more when I get a chance.
Essays Mine and Cody's and Ricardo's and Ben's. Send yours to me if you'd like them up here.
Artwork Quite a hogde podge.
Quotes I didn't write these quotes, but they are some of my favourites. I spent a lot of time on this page. I hope you like it.


Other Pages:
TIP Photos
School Photos
England Pages

> If you would like to send encouragement, critiques, or humorous ridicule about my technological inadeptness, feel free to do so. My email is And I check it at decent intervals.

P.S. Chris- Thank the world you emailed me! I was about to send in the Marines! [Including the one Becky made a website about.]

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Sign My Guestbook and you'll get a kiss.