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For lack of a better explanation, this site is basicaly
a bunch of theories that i have written down. Dont take
any of this seriously, after all its just meant to entertain
or numb your brain, the latter most likely.

All you've been asking for has been placed in front of you.
The headaches, the shaking, the boredom the boardroom brings.
You're scratching at itching, brought by the spiders beneath your skin.
The answer in question is over before it begins.
"Hey there sleepy smile.
I see you've brought your bedroom eyes."
Not assuming you wanna keep 'em.
I'm assuming you reckon you won't.
All you've been asking for has been placed in front of you.
The headaches, the shaking, the boredom the boardroom brings.
You're scratching at itching, brought by the spiders beneath your skin.
The answer in question is over before it begins.
"Hey there sleepy smile. I see you've brought your bedroom eyes."
Not assuming you wanna keep 'em.
I'm assuming you reckon you won't.
Nothing to see here but the rain.
There's nothing to hold you but the flames.
Nothing to see here but the rain.
There's nothing to hold you but the flames.
Nothing to see here but the rain.
There's nothing to hold you but the flames.
Nothing to see here but the rain.
It's raining flames.
"Earth to sleepy smile. Where'd you take those bedroom eyes?"
Not assuming you wanna keep 'em. I'm assuming you reckon you won't.

Wide eyed.
Knee deep in surprise.
Just below your thighs the temperature drops 5 degrees.
Your stand-by flight has just arrived. Tongue-tied, bleeding from your eyes.
Even Christ himself would cringe at the sight of your scars.
While you're counting sheep, I'll count my lucky stars.
You were the last good thing I ever saw.
I lost it all.
I lost it all.
Burned out on 2 hours of shut-eye.
Eyes glazed at the thought of the next 8 hours.
Headwind, cold rain to wake me.
You were the last good thing I ever saw.

-alkaline trio