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NEWS: No News, just bored...


No telling if there is anyone out there who still looks at this website. I doubt it. But if you are, it's probably because you were bored, just the reason I am updating it. updates. Adam, Nick, Derek, and Drew are playing in a band called far as I know (and the three former Asher members are still currently employed at your local East Side Lee's Summit Hy-Vee. I don't know of any place you can find when and where they are playing. I am taking it easy, getting the best grades of my life, which is God rewarding me for putting aside my band dreams for a short time. I play bass at the Christian Campus House here at CMSU and am always busy writing new stuff. A sad day last week when Mars Music in Olathe closed. More business for the small local stores though, which is always nice. "You wanna go where everybody knows your name." If you are still reading this, thanks. I hope everyone is doing well. I love and miss you all. We shared in some good times. If you need anything, find me. Until then keep rocking for God.

Love, Mike B.

"Pray for me, and I will pray for you" -Dennis Bayne