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(*_Lesson Three_*)

Well done everyone. Now it’s onto the point behind Arithmancy. You don’t just find Character numbers for the fun of it. Well, that is, unless you’re me. But never mind that. The reason one finds Arithmancy so bloody useful is because they can analyze their entire life around the values of everything. “Where should we have lunch today?” This is a simple, everyday question. The answer could be found through Arithmancy.

Example: Mandy Noble
Character Value of 6
Witches Brewery
Character Value of 6

My best choice in dining, according to Arithmacy, would be the quaint little place in down town Chicago, Witches Brewery. This is found by matching the Character numbers of the two items; my name and the restaurant’s name.

Now this can become even more complicated, right down to what I eat.

Example: I could order a Tuna Salad Sandwich (6)
Cream of Potato soup (6)
fries (6)
and chocolate cake (6) for dessert.

So, you see, Arithmancy can be used everywhere.

(*_Homework-_*) due Whenever... (12 pts.)

The Arithmancy Chart
