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New show staring Jamie Kennedy on the WB.  You know the movie buff guy from the Scream Movies (Randy).  Anyways,'d think there are so many comedy shows out there, how can this one be different.  Well, it's not!  But yet it is still very funny.  The show is pretty much a Candid Camera meets Mad TV.  This show looks to be a hit, but since it's on the WB, probably not.  Too bad.






Well, is there a  counter strike tournament around here we can join?  No, the only thing close enough to a tournament is the "Free-Hour" Tuesdays at PCZ.  I say, we get about  8 - 12 guys and hold our own tournament.  Charge 5 bucks a head, and have a ladder elimination or team battle.  It probably should be held on the weekends, but that'll be decided later, if anyone is interested, contact me at or


It's the newest addition to the Final Fantasy Saga.  Being the first FF on the new PS2, will it live up to it's expectations?  With enthralling graphics and sound, will the game lack a great storyline?  Since I don't have a PS2, I will just have to rely on what others will say, but I still think the best FF was FF8!  If you want a copy, go out and pick up one, because it's out for around $49.99.





One of the newest games from EA, Medal of Honor:  Allied Assault.  Could it be another Half-Life?  Will it be better?  I'll be the judge of that, considering I just bought a copy.  Seems to be really good so far.  You start out with four other soldiers inside a military truck trying to spy on the Nazis.  After they find out what you're up becomes an all out war, you run out guns blazing.  Just buy your copy today, I got mine for $34.99 at Best Buys, but it was on sale.





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