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Welcome To The 6 Year Depression


My Other Band Broken Center
Lyrics to Fallen Angel
Lyrics to Blue Album
Sneak Peek
Meaning Behind 6yD
About Me


Last updated 1-30-06


Where do I start... my other band Broken Center is going really well... We have our full album and we are getting ready to record a new one! So if you want to, go checkout that site! I have a beautiful daughter! She was born December 8th 2004. I dont get to see her as much as I would like, but her name is Mersadies Lynn and I love her so much. I curently live in Casselberry FL with my fiance Kim who I also love alot! I am finally getting around to getting this next album out. As of right now I don't know what the album will be called but it will have 10 to 12 really great acoustic songs on it!

Fallen Angel and Blue Album being combined and re-released?

That's right... these albums were old and the recording quality wasn't the greatest so I am going back and re-recording them and putting them onto one CD since there was only 6 songs on "Fallen Angel" and 5 songs on "Blue"!

-Available Soon-

News on the New 6yd CD

With my other band Broken Center doing so well I have to fit the recordings in on the time I have alone. I am going to be giving it one big push and I will let everyone know what is going on as it happens!


I have been so busy with Broken Center its been really hard to concentrate on this side project but I am thinking of booking a show at a Borders very soon... and if there is anyone out there who reads this I will keep everyone updated!

If anyone knows any where else to play please Email me.


If you have any other questions, just Email me and I will answer any thing you need!
