Final Fantasy - souls in words
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Hello and welcome to final fantasy - souls in words. so i hear you asking whats up with the name, well final fantasy souls in words is the name of an online story being written by three authors including myself. this site is eapecially for that story. i will keep this site updated with the story as it comes along. at the moment it is far from being complete but you can still look at the progress of this story.


Lariah cromwell

Tenshi - chan


To view the story so far click on the text link below.

Final Fantasy - souls in words

view the rest of the site click here

i hope that you have enjoyed your crazy trip through my site and i hope that you will be returning shortly to keep up to date with the story. Anyway email me and tell me what you think of this story so far, and email me to let me know what you think of the site modification. and watch this space to see the story unfold.

Final Fantasy - souls in words

Click zidane to E-mail me

Final Fantasy - souls in words is copyright © 2000-2002. final fantasy is a trademark of squaresoft, no copyright infringement intended