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It's All About the Xperience!

That's what life is...a series of experiences bundled together into a splendid little package.

One of my favorite experiences was the second rave I went to. Yes the first one was awesome and totally opened my eyes to a new world begging to be explored, but the second one was when I began to really embrace the experience. Some people use drugs to do this. I think that's really unnecessary. All you really have to do is step outside of your everyday experiences. Just let yourself go, become immersed in the music, and let whatever expression you are inspired to create come out.

It was when DJ Mike Scott came on...they announced he'd be spinning progressive trance, and a lot of people just went nuts...myself included. The music got going and I finally understood what it was to let go. I just started dancing, and didn't stop for the hour that he was on.

I think anyone who has any appreciation for dance music at all should definitely get to a rave if they get the chance. At first I was a little uneasy. The whole "alternate lifestyle" thing worried me. But if you compare it to your usual party, really it's much better. If you're like me and you don't like grinding hips with someone you don't even know, raves are definitely for you. Most people dance alone, and in general, everyone's personal space is respected.

It is my opinion that the true ravers are there to enjoy the music and to express themselves creatively. For me it is a very personal thing.