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Debbie Roberts

Literacy Coach In-service - Reading


Lesson Plan


Illinois State Goals:

Goal 1 – Read with understanding and fluency. 

Goal 2 – Read and understand literature representative of various societies, eras, and ideas.

Goal 3 – Write to communicate for a variety of purposes

Materials: Overhead, computers, paper


To start the in-service, we will make a K-W-L chart on the overhead to see what the teachers know, want to know and eventually learned about the Four Block Reading. We will then visit the website:

which is the site by one of the authors, Patricia Cunningham. We will then go over the four blocks of reading and discuss how we plan to use it in our classrooms to aid in the teaching of reading. Each teacher will work with his or her grade level partner and make a four block model of what will be done using the four blocks.

We will then visit the following site that tells how other teachers have used the four blocks and teachers can email with questions or suggestions:


We will then make a four block poster for each grade level to remind the teachers how they anticipate using the Four Block Reading program. Each grade level group will explain how they plan on using the Four Block Reading program.


Evaluation: see rubric