||August 31||
"he- hey Jeremy....You look good."
EH!...last 2 days of school have been just..iono..boring? Im starting to get a lot of hw lately and yeah...its juss getting me stressed. At lunch today i think i was scaring everybosy..haha...sorry if i was...i juss been in wierd moods lately. EH...gotta go to a antique store soon and memorize the preamble PLUS like...30 spanish speaking countries, their capitals and nationalities...plus a report on the UK....AHH..and they're all due next week...So i guess there goes my labor day weekend....but its ok...i got a stress releiver and it works ALL THE TIME.
||August 29||
"This song goes out to Van DUONG"
Haha...so this weekend i had to get my mind off of school and how its gonna be uber-stressful...So Saturday morning went to go pick up Chris and Borum then met the other KC people at the BIG BROTHER and BIG SISTER place for our DP day. It was hekka hot and yeah...Then Van, Ej, Lien, and other BC members came to visit us i guess. Then they left and did some more work. Then called Ej to come pick me up so we could go get Van a present for her party later. Then..hmm..went to go pick up Van and lien, went to Home-Town Buffet. Saw melly who i havent talked to for a while. Then...ATE...i didnt eat much...dunno why i juss wasnt that hungry. Then...went to Van House and some people did KAREOKE. HAHA...EJ rocks the Kareoke machine...then...hmm...went to go drop off Hieu..then Kevin...then Melly...then AWESOMNESS...then went home...SLEPT. Then later today i gotta head on back to my moms and do homework. Yay....Fun Stuff. Good Times.
||August 26||
"Damn those perverted Disney people!"
So last couple of days have been pretty LAME..juss been goin to class. I mean there's lots of recognizable faces, but the class's are so dull. All the teachers do are lecture and we take notes. Well i hope it starts getting alittle better. So yeah, i been home alone a lot lately cause my mom has been leaving left and right to go do arrons, stepdad is in Boston for a week, and my brother is almost never home now. YES...it does get very lonely...but oh well i'll get used to it hopefully. But YOU have been helping alot. I LOVE YOU...BLEH...time to go nap..bye
||August 23||
"Can I have one? I love you?"
YEAH!...so today was the first day of school. I got there around 7'ish got my schedual then bumped into Peter and them...talked then went to first period. Its okay in there, lots of people to talk to but the teacher is DULL....and Maria is the T.a. so thats even more awesome. Then second period..EH...once again, i knoe everyone, but dull teacher. Then third. dead class. lively teacher haha. then 4th..i was kinda lost but its REALLY laid back in there..then 5th seems like its gonna be fun but the teacher is kinda strict..then 6th..EH!...its juss..gonna be yeah..hmm..so the school year seems like its gonna be pretty fun, but busy. Then after school...took a nap..then E.J came over hung out...then went to target to go get some stuff..then Arby's. Then he dropped me off cause he had to go to Delta..then got home...cooked dinner since mommy cant be on her feet for 3 days. So YEAH!...this year seems like it gonna be packed with STRESS...but its ok...because I LOVE YOU
||August 20||
"NOO!! You can't have the dinner rolls!!!"
BLEH!...lately i juss been staying home cause i had ot catch up on my summer reading. Then all Thursday i worked on my essay. I think it okay i guess...iono i was juss brain dead the whole day. but YEAH!. its all over with! Thank bejesus!....now i got all weekend care free..now i juss need to go school shopping...eh! And yeah. seems like the school year is gonna be fun, but busy. So i MAY not join Wrestling this year...BUT its like a 25/75 i wont..so yeah. well i gotta go get ready for the Board metting then DCM!...YEAH!?
||August 17||
"There are too many filipinos here... i feel gross.
Hmm..This weekend. Just went tot he Barrio Festival with Ej and Kim. It was my first time ever going. It was okay...it was wierd cause ther were TOO many filipinos there. haha...like..there were juss CLUSTERS and CLUSTErs of them all around and juss stading there STARING...i got some DINIGUAN...but guess what...IT WASNT EVEN GOAT!...i was hekka dissapointed. haha. Then we left early cause iono..it was kinda dead. Then went driving around...then went to go get Kim's Hair dye haha. Then went to Ej's...then dropped off Kim...then watched a movie...GOOD TIMES..haha...then i went home.
||August 11||
"Your sexy short statur turns me on!"
Yesterday...juss hung out with Ej...went to go eat @ the taco truck...messed around with AUdra on the phone. lol...came home..SLEPT...
||August 8||
"EH! I know im comfortable, but im not furniture! I should put a sign on me saying ' For display only '"
HM...lets see, thursday...I went back to stagg again to go finish up the scheduals. Rose and Thanh were there, so it was us 3 for a while, then they both had to leave, so i called Bao and me and her fnished it up. After, we walked around the teachers lounge looking around...Bao searched the teachers freezer and found some ice-cream, sO...we decided to reward ourselfs. HAHA...walked around...then went home. Then friday...laid back day. Theres bene a lot fo drama mately at my dads and moms house so i had to just get away this weekend. So, Ej abducted me once again. YEAH!....hmm...later that day, Van came over so her and ej could do their Power point thing..i juss sat and played video games. haha, Van was juss stuck why i was there. haha, then we dropped her off...went to go eat some In-N'-out. Then went to Kirspy Kream. Then went back to his house went on the computer...then his sister had a mini-party...her friends came over...then Kim, Nunu, and Cindy came over...everyone ended up goin in the backyeard...so me n Ej juss went upstairs to go watch t.v.HAHA....then later that night i was thirsty so i went down to go get some water and i open the fridge and i remember seeing Ej's sister and her friends tryin to kill this ginormouse bug....but i guess they didnt kill it, but yea, when i went to go get water, BAM!!...something hits the side of my face. IT WAS THAT BIG GROSS BUG...so i juss run adn start screaming cause i was half-asleep and that juss woke me up. haha..then SLEPT....then came home...ATE...and slept some more!...fun stuff.Good Times.EH!....
||August 4||
What are you guys doing?
Nothing, this is just Stagg's secret asian sweat shop
EH!!!....today, woke up at 9am and got ready to go to school...how ddepressing i didnt feel like dressing up so i juss fixed my hair and went out the door and my mom dropped me off. Folded papers and stuffed envelopes ALL day with Linda,Chris,Maria,Tony..and blah..more juss too lazy to mention everyone. Haha...we looked like a whole bunch of asians in a sweat shop folding papers...some random guy walks in and stares at us and asks wut we were doin so i tell him its a sweat shop and he juss looked at me wierd and walked away...Haha, i got fired from running that paper-folding paper contraption cause i made it get paper jams hecka times...thats wut u get for trusting me with machinery! Yeah!! i got my schedual!...
Honors Chemistry - Stiener
Jr. honors English- Moore ( AH! NO!)
Spanish 5-6 - Cordova
Orhestra ( Eh!....:( )
Us History honors - Contreras
Pre Calc - Peters
so yeah!....looks like im gonna have a busy, yet fun year cause i was looking around all my friends scheduals and i have like lots people to talk to in every class! YEAH!....eh...now i gotta rest, im tired from folding so much...
||August 3||
"HEY! thats your cousin!"
*hides face*
HmmM...today....woke up...read a little...then, asked Ej if he could abduct me since i was home alone..hung out at his house for a while...watched some of his home movies...wierd, but funny. Then...went to the store..then to go eat at Taco Bell...then...hmm...saw my cousin there. Ej kept telling me to say "hi" but i didn't want to. haha. i REFUSE to socialize with my family..then...headed home...befor home went to McDonalds to get MORe food...DAMN...feel unhealthy...
||August 2||
"I wish i was a male Oprah..shes rich...Jeremy...you look like you would be a asian Harriet Tubman"
EH....this weekend...Ej hid at my dads house...so yeah...juss went tot he Flea Market on El Dorado. haha. Then...ate...then played games...then...Sunday...dad MADE me go out with him...went to Home Depot and got one of those metal screen doors...then came home...SLEPT...HOME ALONE...ugh..iono..its kinda getting depressing being home alone all the time..theres more details...im just too lazy to exaplain.Then...today...mom called me to go work ont he house again..i was TIRED...so i juss ended up sleeping on the floor while she did all the work..haha
||July 30||
" Im gonna go drown myself in the fish-tank
Pretty much same schedual past days....wake up EARLY....help out at the other house in modesto...PAINT and get high fromt he fumes. YEAH!.......uhh..the other day Ej n me went to Target and Jack N the Box...damnit..i feel unhealthy...lol...too much fast food...well...i decided not to read the other book....thank god for cliff notes and movies haha...
||July 30||
"This paint roller look like a small penis.." - My MOM
HmM..Well yesterday, WAS supposed to go to the beach with Ej and some other people but no one wanted to go, so we juss hung out the whole day. WEnt to go get his car washed...then,went to the asian bakery ( you still have my sweet rice Ej!i want it!) then..got some BK, haha, then, went to my house to eat. Played some games...uhh...then his cousins called and askedh if he could give them a ride to the mall...then...picked them up, dropped the off...to tracy mall get Ej a backpack...uhh...went to my house...we were REALLY tired..so juss watched t.v...Ej juss slept..then...dad bought us pizza...then...hmm...fell asleep and Ej juss ended up staying over even thought he had school the next day haha...he left around 6:20...then...at 8, mom picked me up to go work on the other house again...BLAH...too much paint fumes!...then...came home...took shower...read a little....SLEPT @ 2....woke at 10...haha..
||July 26||
"You chicken flavored biscuit!"
Hmm lets see...FridayI forgot what I did friday...heh..Saturday Mom picked me up EARLY form my dads house...went to go get breakfast...went to walmart in modest to get paint, then went to go paint the house in modesto. HAHA, i almost died..i was wondering why i felt...dizzy? and had a STRONG urge to take a nap..so i took one..for 2 hours? then went to go get lunch..then came back and ate and HOLY-BEJESUS..its smelled like paint..i think thats what made me woozey..the fumes. Then sunday...uhh...oh yeah, CAR WASH...HAHAHAHAHA....only 8 people came..made 50$!....with only 3 cars!....2 of which were family hahaha....then came home...slept. read...ate...slept...
||July 22||
"Its me!...smokey eyes!"
Jorge, Kim, Me and Ej ( taking picture) @ Dublin Imax movie theater.
HmmM...its 5:26 and i juss woke up...and hour ago? haha. Well yesterday Ej picks me up and we go to the mall cause he got a gift-certificate for GAP, but iono...didnt see anything good. Then...went to tiger Yogurt. lol Ej...you cant eat can you?..then...uhh..went to his house to go play video games for a while...then it juss started getting TOO hot, so we left and went driving...was gonna drop me off, but we had to pick up Nunu ( haha fun person...) but that was a hour later, so Ej made me stay with him till we picked her up...went to WEndy's to go get her a burger...wierd guy there...then...drove around who knows where...then dropped her off..and...Ej was too tired to drop me off..so i ended up stayin over...woke at 8am to the musty hot air upstairs...dropped me off...came home...ate....SLEEP. Fun Stuff. Good Times. You have herpies? Hmm, today went out with Ej, Kim< and George. We were supposed to go out and play lazer tag up at Q-Zar in Pleasington, but there was only 4 of us, so we changed our minds and went up to Stoneridge Mall. Walked around there for 2 hours or so then headed up to the IMAX theater, stood there staring at the movie times, then sat and talked cause we didnt know what to do. So instead, we went up the the theaters at the Tracy mall and watched I,Robot but it didnt start til 9:45, so we juss played videogames in the arcade to kill time. Then....went to go get gas....wierd paranoid lady running around from her car and the register. Then kim was anxiouse to spray her pepper spray...Hmm...then headed home...Fun Stuff. Good Times. Tomateo Sauce.
||July 16||
"I need to give birth!"
Today...woke up pretty early. I think around 12. haha be quiet...thats early for me. So i read my daily 25 pages of stupid summer reading. Then Ej came and picked me up to go to the DCM. First had to drop off some food and this one place. iono, i didnt knoe wut was goin on, as usual. So we went to the DCM, talked to Rose and Linda about Kc junk. Then Me, Ej, Van, and Tim went to 99cent store and Food Max to get stuff for their BBQ tomamrow. lol, funyn fan kept "Swiffer Mopping" the store without the little swiffer pad thing. Then went to foodmax and got the food. Then...went to go drop off Van and Tim. Went to...uhh....Tracy mall. I didnt wanna get anything...I'll get clothes when my mom brings me...so i dont have to spend my own money haha. Then we went to Best buy. Lady stared at me cause i was sniffing this COmputer Prgram box. WHAT!? it smelled hell good like strawberries and i was wondering where the smell was coming from!..sop yeah...Then we where gonna head home...but traffic so we went to go eat at this japanese place. LOL, that was the wierdest experiance i had in a resturant. The lady comes and hands us some hot towels and we dont knoe wut the heck we're supposed to do with them...then she takes them away...haha then as we left...we notice that maybe we screwed up on paying the place...we were like...3$ short? haha....Ej felt bad, as for me, HELL NO!. haha. Fun Stuff. Good Times. Swiffer Mop.
||July 15||
Hmm lets see. Tuesday i didnt really do anything so i stayed home and read....100 pages down...700 to go... Theni had ot babysit. That was prettu much my day. Then today, Rose called me at like...12'ish. Thats wut i hate about myself. Once im awake, im awake so i couldnt go back to sleep. So watched some t.v and tried to wake up. Then Audra called talked...then later went to her house around...5:30. Stayed there and played games , talked and watched t.v. haha, Audra's mom is funny...." THEY SMELL LIKE BURNED TIRES!"...and did other crap. Then my dad picked me up At 9'ish and i went to my grandma's house to go water her plants and feed her dogs ( shes in Alaska ) then Ej called and picked me up at my grandma's. haha kinda wierd. So we went to barn And noble to go get a book ej needed for his econ class. Then...hmm....went driving around anonymous places again haha. Went to Manteca and visted my old apartment i used ot live in. lol, memories..Then went to the Wal-mart in manteca haha fun in there we juss went looking at Fish...and...car stuff and other junk. Then....went to McDonalds to go eat some Chicken nuggets. hella good haha we got the 20 peice and split it. Then came to my dads and juss played games. Fun stuff. Good Times. You Fart?
||July 11||
Argh. I swear. At times i wish i could juss get away from my family. So I was reading my summer reading book and my mom calls me on her way back from school. She tells me that my stepdad said " yeah, Jeremy left to his dads so that he doesnt have to be around me." its like. WHAT THE!? i came here to take care of my dad cause he had a injury. Im sorry to say. but that comment just pissed me off more. It really got ot me the night befor when i called home and my stepdad answered. And as he gave the phone to my mom i heard him say " he's lieng." WHAT THE!?! I swear!! He expects us to get "closer" but how am i supposed to if hes gonna say comments like that and make CRAZY assumptions. Then iono. Im juss not in the mood. not fun stuff. Bad Times. im pissed.
||July 11||
"Don't touch me...5 dollars! 5 Dollars!"
Hmm Well lets see. Bene reading A LOT this year. Bleh. Got like 2 books that are 400+ pages. Well yesterday me n Ej went to marine World for his little sisters bday. In his car was me, him, and his 2 older sisters. Funny people. Made me laught the whole ride up. Then when we got there. The lines were hecka short. Like the max we waited in line was...5 minutes. Then we left early cause we got bored cause we did everything already. Then when we got back i didnt wanna go home neither did Ej so we dropped them off and went driving to anonymous places. Then got kinda in trouble by my parents. Only because i didnt call when i got back. Then today woke up around 12 and got a phone call from Rose and linda telling me the meeting today was @ 2. And it was HOT so i couldnt go back to sleep. Then went to Starbucks for the meeting. Talked and talked till like...4 Then me n Rose waited for my mom to pick us up then dropped her off and got home and started reading...but feel asleep AGAIN. Fun stuff. Good times. Coffe's nasty.
||July 6||
"Can I get some...sour crotch?"
Hm well lets start off with 4th fo July. I went to my moms to have a BBQ there. They kinda burned the food so i didnt eat much. Then went to my dads and had another BBQ there. AWesome food so i fillied up there. Then my friend Nathan came and picked me up and we went to go get some fireworks from modesto then lit them up at the corner. I almost died, but luckily god saved me. Then Today, i baby-sat. Fun stuff...Then Later Ej called and asked if i wanted to go play Laser Tag. So me, Him and Kim and George went to Boomers @ Modesto. Luckily many times going there. i memeorized how to get there. So we went and i couldnt play lazer tag cause i had ot have sox ( I was wearing flip-flops ) and i coulda bought a pair for 1$ inside, but didnt feellike it. Then, we went on the go-carts. Then played golf and played aracade games. Then we went to go eat @ Weinersnitchslesdjfklsjdfkls however you spell it. We Were gonna sing Kareoke at lesat i thought so at Kims house, but iono. We didnt. Then dropped George off. Then got home and took shower. Fun stuff. good times. Sour Crotch.
||July 2||
"Get this jigga-boo away from me!"
So its 1:07 in the morning and i juss got home. Yep, I actually did something today toher than the boring routin of wake up, read ( stupid smmer reading..) computer, gym, then move t.v and computer. Today, we cleaned up the storage room kinda sorta'ish for my babys sister's new room. Then my dads gf brough me n her nephew to go watch Dodgeball. It was ok. Then we movie-hopped into go watch White Chicks. Hilariouse movie. I Highly reccomend it. Then killed time sleeping. Then got a phone call from Ej and he picked me up and we headed off to go eat. Damnit, im not good and pciking places to eat...so i pointed at the Long John Silvers and we ate there. lol. Damn. hot, oily food that stianed his car ( smell wise.) then we went to go watch Spider-Man 2 at 10:30. Annoying people at the theaters. Guy tapping his toes constantly. And guy trying to be cool and talked LOUD on his cell phone. Fun stuff. Good times. I need to get out more haha.
||June 24||
"...whenever we go out. The people always shout. Theres goes John Jacob Jingle Hiemers Schmit! LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA"
Hm. This weekend was uber fun. There was the relay for life and lots of stuff happened. Mostly during the day we all chillax'd and ate junk and talked. Called Dally and bugged her then night came. Me and homie-g pao said that we HAD to stay up all night. So we tried. We pulled up some fancy chairs, sat in them in our sleeping bags and sang songs. lol, i think we kept some people up. Then Tony came and him and pao would say a song, and wierdly, i would knoe the lyrics. Then wel called Cindy at...3'ish in the morning and talked to her. Theres just too much to talk about so yea. lets end it there. It was fun.
||June 24||
Hmmm. Lately, i been feeling down. No clue why. Im just not in the mood for anything. Not in the mood to go out, not in the mood to talk to anyone. I've been like dead and emotionless the past week. Maybe its because im stuck here islolated at my dads where i spend my days alone. I only come here to my dads out of guilt because he always lectures me about how i never visit. Some dad huh? I think i need to get out, even though i have no motivation to go out. People keep asking me if i wanna hang out, or go to the movies, but i keep turning them down ( sorry if i have lately..) Well, good thing the Relay For life thing is this weekend. Maybe some human interaction will do me some good and get me out of this wierd mood. And i cant move my upper body at all. Because my dad has been taking me to his gym and usualy, i dont lift wieghts. Im more into working out my lower half. So yea, my sholders, "pecs", and arms hurt like a mother bear right now. But thats a good thing, hehe, it gives me an excuse not to hold the baby. Oh yea, plus my uncle got me uber-fearociously angry yesterday. Came over drunk i think and started talking hooba-jabba ( sh**) about my family and ME. I was thinking " wtf!? how are you gonna come into someones house and talk about them?!" so like normal, i bottled the anger in and tried to forget about it. Well, thats about it. Typing is starting to hurt my arms, so i guess i should stop.
||June 23||
Is it supposed to burn like that?
Blah, today was packed with drama. First i get a phone call and get in trouble cause my text messaging bill was 17$....i didn't knoe i text'd that much. I must stop. Then i was supposed to go to wrestling practice, and my dad doesn't show up to gimme a ride. ....and he wonder's why i don't trust him...Then, i get some more drama online. So crap, im not a big fan of drama, so im just gonna let it all go and forget about it. Luckily outta guilt from not showing up to practice, i tell my dad to bring me to the gym with him. I biked the anger outta me. haha. Intertesting gym my dad goes to. Its like everyone walks around like they're buff, even if they're sticks. I guess ego is a big thing around there. So yes, let me finish my summer peacefully and try to keep out the bad news, please?
||June 20||
When you gonna tap her ass?"
dad! I don't wanna talk about that with you!"
Yup. Happy fathers day. Today me n my brother and some other family memebers all went to Oak Grove park and had a BBQ today. had some "quality time" and bonding time with fat-her. It was cool talking to him but then he started getting too comfortable and started saying " you knoe that one girl. She's not just your friend. it always starts like that and ends up getting into a relationship. So, when you gonna tap that ass?" I was like WTf!?.wait, im not gonna talk about that stuff with you. Haha, so i tried to move the conversation to something else, but it failed so i ended up taking a walk around the park with my little sister. I probably looked like a teen father. haha. thats my birth control right there. My baby sister, i don't even want to have to handle the constant crying and changing of diapers. I'll just adopt one to where you dont need to do that stuff and they can do it on their own. Man o' man, holding a baby for a long time can be a work out haha, my arms are somewhat sore. Well Audra called me today and told me that wrestling practice/conditioning is starting tommarow. NoOoO!! no more junk food or soda. crap... but its ok, its gonna be at the " budd wing" where ever that is. And its at 6pm, so its no biggie, i should be awake by then.
||June 19||
"I think my fly is open"
--"why do you say that?"
"cause', i feel a breeze down there"
--"Well maybe you wouldn't feel a breeze if you didn't go commando!
Hmm. Today was a pretty boring day. blah. Boring saturday. I had to spend my whole day baby-sitting my baby sister. I hate babies. No matter how cute they are. Plus my ears feel like they bleed when she screams. So then after what felt like years of doing nothing, i got ready to go to the DCM. Met up with the homie-g-dogg-skillet-water-spicket-biscuits and we had the meeting thing, then ate pizza. We were supposed to only get 1 slice of pizza, but me n pao felt like being pigs and got...thirds? haha. Well, we waited there for our rides and juss chillxed and talked. Then when i got home, my long lost friend from the neighborhood stopped by in his car. i was like " what!?!? you drive already!?!?! " so we talked for a while and caught up with each other. He asked me if i wanted to go to a party of his friends down the street but i had to pass on the offer. because i had evil baby-sitting duity again...
||June 17||
"Whats a....hawkitaw?"
Blah. I went to sleep at 2:30'ish then woke up at 5:30 ( was supposed to wake at 5, but the snooze button was too tempting...)Went to Linda's house and we hung out at her house and talked while waiting for Van and AJ to pick us up. I called Van, but sounded like she had just woken up. She said she was gonna call Aj but she later called again and said she was gonna go to his house to wake him up. So upon waiting about a hour or so she calls me back and tells me he doesnt want to go. I was like " ahh! nOO!!!" woke up so early for nothing. Owell, no biggie. So then i waited another 30 minutes or so for my ride to pick me up from Linda's. Then got home and thought i was gonna sleep, but nope. watched t.v for a bit, watched " Growing Pains" and other oldies but goodies. Then hunget hit me, so i whipped up some uber-yum food. lol. I felt so odd. I sat there. Alone eating by myself in a empty house wathcing t.v. I was gonna go running ( see wrestling people! i'm self-motivated!)but i started feeling sleepy. Went online for 5 minutes and did this " Name acronym" thing. kinda wierd. On the " Y " on my name, they put " yummy".yea.i know. So i went to sleep and woke up sweating...Its because it was pretty cold this morning, but i woke like at..1? and it was bodaciously hot. So i blasted the a/c and took a shower. so yea, it's 2'ish and i guess i better go running now in the dead heat. Good times....somewhat.

I am Meatwad from Aqua Teen Hunger Force!!
Which Aqua Teen Hunger Force character are you??
||June 16||
"I can't sleep, you have any tips that can help me to sleep?"
--" beat urself with a stick"
Holy Frejoles man. I could not sleep at all last night. I didnt fall asleep untill like 6-7'ish. I was still awake when my dad left to work. He turned around quick, surpirsed and kind scared, as i saw him pass by and said " bye ". I wanted to strangle myself because no one was online at the time, and there was nothing to watch on t.v. I ended up watching infomercials about food appliances and other hooba-jabba like that. I never noticed how they try to trick you. " And you can buy this now with only 10 easy payments of $19.99. I was like, wtf? how the hell is ten payments of $19.99 easy? Then i watched the spanish channel. haha, i was wondering if i could understand any of it, and shockingly, i did. Hmm. and now im wondering how im going to explain why the shower door is broken to my parents. Yes. i broke the shower door. But i had to! I noticed there was something wrong when i got in because i had to slam it to shut. Then, when i was done, i couldnt open the shower door. It was busted. I kicked it, pucnhed it, cried for help ( even though im home alone) and the handle broke off. So im thinking " crap...what if someone comes home and has to help me get out of the shower and see me naked..." so i panic and start kicking more. Then finally, it falls off the railing and i get out. So the shower door is kinda sitting in the bathroom broken..heh...oopsie...
l a t e r t h a t d a y
Hmm, just came back from a meeting. Met Linda, AJ, and Van there. It was boring. I came late, couldn't find the room, then sat in there, staring at the wall. After, me n Linda stood there waiting for my dad to pick us up. He did in the work van...O.O...There were only 2 seats, and there were 3 people. so i was forced to go ghetto style and i sat on a crate in the middle of the 2 front seats lol. Well yea, now i gotta go with all 3 of them to a KC breakfast thingy at 7 in the morning. Blah...thats too early to be waking up summer vacation. So i guess i have to try to go to slepe early tonight. Yea. Right.
||June 15||
"Don't let the baby bite the dog!"
--"ok...wait...isn't it supposed to be the other way around?"
Argh, im superly-uberly tired. The evil ensomnia attacked me i think. I went to sleep at 5am and woke back up at 12 this morning. All i did was watch t.v all night. First i fell asleep for like 2 minutes. Last thing i remember was this wierd anime about some kids finding money and a chopped off head. o.O?. Then i woke back up and watched the game show channel and watched " The Price Is Right" and" Lingo". good times. Then last thing i remember is hearing my dog ( the evil miniature Pincher)sqealing then i feel asleep. I think i rolled over on it. oops. Well thats about it, i gotta go running for stupid wrestling conditioning. Oh yea, below is the small group picture of those who were cool enough to jump in it. lol
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