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PlayStation 2
Playstation 1
Nintendo 64
Gameboy Advanced

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Hello, and welcome to Techno Online: Version 4. This is our fourth layout, and so far, the best looking! My name is Techno, and I am the webmaster for this site. This site was made for surfers to see the real world of technology and the web combined. So, without further ado, check out this site, and thank you for visiting Techno Online.

::Recent News and Updates::

February 12.03 :: Subject:New Affiliate! :: Posted by Techno
Hello! I have yet another affiliate! The site is Final DBZ. This site has a cool layout and the content is awesome, so check it out! That is mainly all. The new layout is coming along fine! It will not look as impressive as this one, but I will have the honor of making it myself! I had to remove Twisted Exodus from my affiliates list, because it closed down. Also, I am on a 5 (yes 5) day holiday, so I can make a lot of content updates. That is all, later!
February 7.03 :: Subject:New Affiliate! :: Posted by Techno
Hey everyone! I got my report card today! 97.11% Average! I was really happy! Anyways, onto a more relevant topic, I got a new affiliate! Red Dragon. Check out his awesome site! That is all, I am working on the pages, as well as the new layout, which is slated to come out within the next 2 weeks! Later!
January 30.03 :: Subject:No button! :: Posted by Techno
Hey everyone! I hate to do this, but Majin Shrine hasn't put my button up for more than 2 weeks, so that is why I am removing him from my affiliates! Also, I added a tagboard if you haven't noticed yet! Go tag like mad on the tagboard! I am thinking of getting a new layout, but I am running out of ideas for them! That is all, later!
January 24.03 :: Subject:More Affiliates and New Link Button! :: Posted by Techno
Hey everybody! I am updating to tell you that I now have another affiliate: SH4KE. Go an check out his cool site! Also, I put up Majin Shrine's button! And I got a new link button. It is 88x31, and this time, it is animated! OOH, ANIMATED! Make sure you check it out! That's all, nothing more! Later!
January 16.03 :: Subject:Topsite! :: Posted by Techno
Hey everyone! Sorry I haven't updated in long. I have joined a topsite! I would REALLY appreciate if you guys would vote for me in this topsite! Also, I am thinking of adding a tagboard! I am on a 4 day holiday, so I should be making some more updates, like making more pages, and putting Majin Shrine's button up, rather than a text link! Alright then, later days!
January 9.03 :: Subject:New Affiliate! :: Posted by Techno
Hey everyone. Welcome to the year 2003! I am just wanting to say that I have some new affiliates, Twisted Exodus and Majin Shrine!. Check out their sites! Also, I joined a network! I am now part of the After Pride Network! Sorry, I have no content, I am so busy with school lately. I will get some up for you! Later!
December 22.02 :: Subject: Tons of updates :: Posted by Techno
Gee, has it really been that long since I have updated? I better have a good excuse now! :). Well, because of school, I have had very little time to make big updates, but because I am now on Christmas break, I am doing an update. As of now, ALL PAGES ON TECHNO ONLINE ARE DONE AND COMPLETE! Yes, it is true! I am so happy, now you can see Techno Online to the fullest extent. That is my Christmas present to you. So, now all pages are updated, I need feedback from you, so I can make each page better! So, Merry Christmas from me, and have fun checking out Techno Online! Oh yes, I have included a new web poll, go and check it out. The results from the last poll were...er... I didn't really take the results from the last poll! Oh well. Merry Christmas oh sorry, I have to be politically correct, Happy Holidays.
September 22.02 :: Subject: I sincerely apologize :: Posted by: Techno
I have been so bad. I really need to update more often. It is just that school has started, and I want to be a conscientious person in my studies (ooh, big word, conscientious). Well, this is just an apology update, but I do have content. And guess what? My parent site, visharules.tk, has a new layout!! Check it out. I promise I will have lots of content for you. The weekends are now my update days. Until next time, goodbye people!

July 2.02 :: Subject: New Layout (again) :: Posted by: Techno
Hello everyone! I just thought that in order to make up for all those days that I didn't update, I would have to do something big. Well, this is my big thing! The banner looks really cool! Who would've thought that with a little creativity and Paint Shop Pro 7, you could whip up something so cool? As you can see, all the links to outside pages are up, but the content pages will be coming up immediately, because I AM ON SUMMER BREAK! Yes! Okay then, later!

A F F I L I A T E   S I T E S
b.bmp (222 bytes) Final DBZ
b.bmp (222 bytes)
b.bmp (222 bytes) :: Sh4Ke ::
b.bmp (222 bytes)Apple.com
b.bmp (222 bytes)Microsoft.com
b.bmp (222 bytes)Hewlett-Packard
b.bmp (222 bytes)Dave Chalk
b.bmp (222 bytes)Future Shop
H T M L   A N D
G R A P H I C S    S I T E S
b.bmp (222 bytes)HTML Goodies
b.bmp (222 bytes)Dynamic Drive
b.bmp (222 bytes)GUI Stuff
b.bmp (222 bytes)Jasc Software-Home of PSP7
b.bmp (222 bytes)Funky Chickens

The Tagboard People

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