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signs of impending doom

i hate technology


surveillance project

vile contraptions

It is easy to find many superficial examples of the changes that have accompanied the development of digital technologies. Cable news programs consisting of elaborate grids of information bear a closer resemblance to the multitasked CRT monitor. Email has made handwritten, hand-delivered correspondence virtually obsolete. Anxious hypochondriacs scour the web for diagnoses before consulting their physician...

There are deeper social changes that have yet to fully manifest themselves. What effect will the ability for individuals to shift between personalities have on identity formation of those involved? How will institutions which govern behavior adapt to technology which poses a direct challenge to their authority? And how will the machines themselves change, at the hands of the user who demands idiosyncrasy over standardization.

The signs are beginning to accumulate, signs which may lead us to a better understanding of the changes in store for us.

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