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Techno Djs, ravers, enthusiasts wanted!!!

Fellow UCF students and techno lovers. If you are like me, then you know how wonderful this culture is, and you too want to get out there and have a good time with it. You also know that the Orlando area, is most deffinetly not the best place to do this. For that reason I am planning on creating a club on campus dedicated to the techno djs, ravers, and enthusiasts of this culture. There already does exist such a group dedicated to the hip hop culture, and so creating one through the SGA's simple guidlines would not be too tough a task. I ask that if you would be in support of such a club and would want to be a member that you please sign the guestbook and indicate that, or send me an email telling me your name, contact info, and any ideas you might have concerning such an organization. I would really like to see this idea take off and be implemented early in the fall of 2002. Thanks for your time and thanks for visiting, be sure to sign the guestbook! -DJ Tagas
