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Academic Career
Personal Blog
Photo Gallery

Place your page text here.

If you like this template and want to put a link back to my website it would be greatly appreciated, but is not required. I have some button styles that you can use to link back with if you would prefer not to use a text link. The buttons can be found at EmKayServices.

Template Customization Info:

To modify the links above, change the text description and hyperlink of each link in the first group of links--The hyperlink is found in between the quotation marks: a href="put your link here".

To modify the links on the left, change the text description and hyperlink of each link in the second group of links--The hyperlink is found in between the quotation marks: a href="put your link here".

To add links on the left simply follow the instruction in the actual page code, where it says To add more links.

To change the background color, change the color or color number for the bgcolor= located in the body tag.

If you need any more help customizing this template please email

Use this space for updates, news, product info, adds, links or just about anything you wish.

Copyright © 2005 S.U.Khan (Kuwait)