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Sedilli 2000 Trip


Every Year during the North East monsoon, we make a few trips to our slope
soaring Mecca, Le Club Sedilli Located in Malaysia

Lots of new faces and we are all full of DAWs and Zagis.

Click above on how to get there!


Daws and Zagis are the only models that can land on the cliff.

We approach the Jetty and the Sedilli Fishing Village


Depart from the Ferry and you are on the Jetty

This is a panoramic view of the Balcony we are flying at. There is a 5 storey vertical drop off.
The winds are from the south china sea, no blockage and we can get up to 50 MPH or more.


High winds enable combat and performance beyond our dreams. A Zagi (highlighted) comes in for a crash landing
in the bushes.


Food is readily available from 4.00am to 10.00 PM  in the village

'Pulled tea' and local onion and egg pancakes are very delicious


This is a local beef 'Big Mac'

This is Jering, good for cleaning the bladder.. it is a seed from a tree and the seed
is boiled for 13 hours..a type of tree and its malodorous fruit
Also known as Buah Jering, another fruit/vegetable  with medicinal properties
eaten either  raw or half cooked in boiling water.

It is eaten with Coconut and sugar as it has a bitter taste to it. It is comparable to drinking
the boiled water of corn for cleaning up the kidneys.

Special Malaysian Nasi Brani and egg


Watch the day's video in the airconed recreation hall and  BEDTIME in an air con room!

During the night, this local kitten keeps scratching the door keeping us awake

The Sun rears its head at  7.30 am.

Wake up among the fruit trees in the club and do a bit of fishing before flying.

Breakfast before flying again

High Speed flyby in the hot sun!

If you cannot view the movie, please download QUICKTIME 4 by Clicking above.
Microsoft Media Player DOES NOT SUPPORT Quick Time WEB movie!


Zagi Hits Zagi, Zagi in combat near miss

85K and 178K (Choose OPEN FROM LOCATION if you are asked.) Turn up the VOLUME!

Morning Sun is in your eye so you need glasses

The sun gets TOO HOT and we move in to the bushes, note zagi on the left

The whole gang poses for a goodbye shot


Then a long walk back to the jetty and we took the ferry back onto the mainland for LUNCH

Blachan Chicken  and Stew

Fried local veges and sweet sour and chillii kissing fish

Tofu with fillings and butter prawns

Everyone digs in!

Then its Cold Chendol Dessert with glutinous rice

Ahem, the production line, used bowls are washed by hand with water and
into the box, filled with chipped ice , rice , red beans , green flour wormies and then
coconut milk and coconut sugar.. But I gurantee its the best !