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Amanda's Pointless Clicking Website!

Coco's Pointless Clicking Website! Welcome to my site,
I am glad you could waste your time here at my pointless clicking site. If you like my website (or even if you don't) you can feel free to e-mail me your opinions on it.
Click Here to E-mail me!
Also feel free to give this addresse to anyone you know that wouldn't mind wasting their time here(or that you just want to annoy).
Thanx, from Coco!
A bunch of Puffs and Blinkies............. Note:Clicking on the puffs will lead you to an entirely different website.
Look below at the counter your not the only one who has wasted their time!!!!!!!!!
I would also like to say hi to everyone I know!
Click here to play a fun little helicopter game!
Click below to take my quiz!
Take my Quiz on!
Here are some cool sites you could also take a look at:
There are some funny toons on here, be sure took click on the button that for first timers on your right once you get on the site.
Here is a page with a lot of good midis(music).
This isn't really a site but something funny!
Here is a page with midis(music)and other cool stuff.
Here is how many people have visited this website!
