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Patty McCown



Undergrad major: Electrical Engineering.  This involved too much math that I have never and will never use on the job.

Graduated from: University of Missouri – Rolla, which is located in the middle of nowhere.

While attending UMR, I worked for three different companies over five co-op terms.  These jobs were in the field of building automation and factory automation.



Current Job: System Bench Lead Engineer (Electrical Lab).  Basically, I test software and the communication between all of the little computers that go into full size trucks.

Employer: GM.  I currently work in Pontiac, but will be moving to Warren this summer.

Years of experience: 4


Current Educational Pursuits:

I’m working on an MBA.  I started fulfilling my prerequisites for the program in the Fall of 2001.  This is my eighth class in the program, so I hope to complete my degree by the slow, part-time method in the Spring of 2005.

My goal in the MBA program is to show my current boss that I am determined to learn and develop new skills.  Hopefully this will also help in acquiring promotions later in my career.  Although it’s not necessary on the job, I have seen the value of having any sort of Master’s degree when it comes time to hand out promotions.


Where I studied Electrical Engineering.    


My favorite baseball player                                                                      


My dream truck