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electronic Metal

Electronic2 Metal, for your monthly update on Metal, Punk Rock, And Rock. Visit the current pages on the Monthly News as of August; more info on the Watermelons, and Updates on the Gutiar Hereos of the past and present. This Update for the Monthly news deals with: the same guitar sale at Epiphone, Rancid Coming out with there new album. all under Monthly News. And Even buy used clothes and CDs at Paul Andersons Wana'B vintage shop. All updates are local for the Southern California area. The Picture You see below is Micheal Angelo Batio holding his amazing quad guitar, which he can some how play with every singe arm hes got at once. Unfortunatly this guitar was stolen from him. Check out more on him at the links at the bottom the page. And Do keep in mind that if there is ANY THING at all you would like for me to post on my site, whether advertising, or just for fun, please please please e-mail me with your request and will be sure to post it at NO cost what so ever. Remember, feel free for free to request what ever you would like me to post/advertise.

Rock/Metal is


Monthly News Update
Pauls wana be vintage store
The WaterMelons
Guitar Hereos
Local Show Dates (1 update)
Dream Guitars and sites
check out more on Micheal Angelo (as seen above) at his site
Heres just a couple of some awsome Rock bands
Actresses/Models of the month
