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MacGyver's Home on the Web
MacGyverDB's Home on the Web!

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Hi, I’m David! My nickname is 'MacGyver'. I am happily married to my lovely wife, Valerie. We met ‘online’ through a Yahoo! Club called Adult Christian Singles. That was back in August of 1999. In November of 1999 we were married. Both of us have a firm foundation in Jesus Christ as our personal Savior. He is Lord of our lives, and even though I said above that we met ‘online’ truly it was God’s own timing that we were brought together. Every day with Valerie is better than the one before it. The same goes with my love of my Savior, Jesus Christ. In His Word, the Bible, He said I’m to love my wife as Christ loved the church, and gave Himself up for her. And oh I do! A huge part of my life is missing when I don’t tell my wife, or my Savior that I love them! Below you’ll find some of my favorite quotes, my interests, and even how to get a hold of me if interested in learning more. Being a Christian is who I am inside. Being obedient to Jesus Christ is my aim and goal in life. To see Him again soon is what I hope for.

What you see in this picture is the cancer walk that we went on in 2008. A few years ago my wife had been diagnosed with breast cancer. God saw us through that. Going on this walk is just one of the things that has inspired my wife concerning breast cancer. She also has a ministry called "Stitches of Hope" where those who are a part of it make hats & lap quilts & blankets for cancer patients for free. It was very disturbing to my wife & I to see people going out of their way to make those suffering through the whole cancer ordeal have to pay insane prices for things to bring them some degree of comfort.

Two of my favorite quotes: "If all else fails...Improvise".
and "Improvise, Adapt and Overcome".

What I get to do...

It's hard for me to say that what I do is a job...even though it is. I am an Electronics Technician/Assembler at Honeywell-Columbus.

The lives I get to impact through what I work on is awesome to me. It took many many years, but I believe that through obediece, God has given me the desire of my heart in the job I get to do. I grew up dreaming of being a part of the Space Program and some of the very work I do goes directly to that now, as well as many hundreds of other customers. Every Space Shuttle launch has something on it that has to do with something I’ve helped build! I’ve seen even some of my work go to Mars and even the International Space Station. Even the many many countries that things I've worked on are going to amazes me. I assemble transducers (also called pressure sensors) that range from half of a psi (pounds per square inch) to 175,000 psi. The department I’m in is called Foil Pressure PEP (Pre Engineered Parts). We pre-build elements to a certain level and then can make them into virtually any configuration within days, or even in some cases hours. Shipping them all over the world. I also have a hand in some repairs of non-conforming units. On some occasions I have input into new prototypes, as well as the assembly and design work of some new products for customers.

Back in the week of 9/11, hundreds of respirators were lost in NYC for the Firemen and Police. A company that builds them needed to get another test stand going to build 800 more to replace what had been lost. We already had the parts in process to be built. We completely finished the units in 48 hours of their call. They were in their hands the next day. I have copies of the letters sent to our plant from all over the world after that disaster happened. Many people in far off countries expressing their sadness at what had happened to the United States. In the last half of 2008, I was trained & certified as a J-Standard Soldering Trainer, as it applies to Honewell-Columbus Standards. I have been an Electronics Assembly Trainer for the past 6 years. All new employees or current employees needing training in Dress-Ups. (different name for Electronics Assembly). I also maintain the plant-level version of the Dashboard. Basically a one-stop interface plugging into all products order information and our Service Deptartment.

Some fantastic Links to share with you:

Try this one... Is it In You??
Or this one... Man builds full-scale replica of Noah's Ark"

Where have I been? Well having lived most of my life in Ohio...I've been to New York at least once. Been to Annapolis Maryland a few times. A friend of mine graduated from the Naval Academy. Really cool place to visit. Been to the outskirts of Washington D.C. Never all the way there yet. Been to Indiana, Michigan, West Virginia, Virginia, Pennsylvania, New Jersy, Florida and Maryland.

If ever you would like a good 'whole weekend' thing to go to, try the Henry Ford Museum and Greenfield Village in Dearborn Michigan. My wife & I went back there a few years back & it's a fantastic trip into time to see how much of what we have today came from.

What do I do when I'm not at work? Well Computers & Computer Repair, Computer rebuilding, Computer Building. Web site designing. I also dabble in carpentry and electrical wiring.
Some things I'm involved with are maintaining the web site of my church, Southwest Grace.
I'm also involved with a new church plant in Mt Sterling Ohio called Sterling Grace. Right now we're in the new Community Center on Sunday Nights at 6 PM. A web site for them is in the works. Click here to return to the Top of the Page.

Personal Message to Visitors:

A Christian’s mission in life is telling others of the new life they can have in Jesus Christ. Ever wonder if anyone could love you so much that they would choose to die for you? If someone did, wouldn't you want to get to know them & find out why? Well there was someone...His name was and is Jesus. Choosing to die for you came at a very very high price for Him. He had to leave His Father, come to Earth, live a sinless life, die a horrible death on a cross like a criminal. Take on the sins of all humanity--and when He did...His own Father, turned His face away because He could not look at His own Son. But..the GREAT news is that after all of that...He arose from the dead 3 days later to be rejoined to His Father. Having paid the price that we could never pay.

The price Jesus paid was so high that He decided to give it away. That's right, What He did, by taking your place and mine on the cross was priceless--but FREE! The Bible says that before you and I were ever thought of...before the very foundations of this world were put in place... the plan was already there for Jesus to be born of a virgin, to live a sinless life, and then to sacrifice Himself for you and I. It's His gift to us. All we have to do is say that we want it. That we agree with God that we are sinners in need of a Savior. That we want Jesus to come into our lives, to live in us and through us. There's nothing to regret and everything to gain! You don't become some other person because of making that choice overnight. But over time, you'll begin to see things as Jesus sees them. You'll be seeing Jesus in you. Other people will see Jesus in you.

Jesus Christ is closer now than ever to returning to gather His Church. The Bible contains hundreds of prophecies...all of which either have come true, or are on the verge of coming true. No other book in the world can claim that. We live in what the Bible calls the "Last Days". More so, the Book of Revelation talks of a very dark time to come in human history called the Tribulation. Some may recognize it as "the 70th week of Daniel" from the book of Daniel, when after Christ's Church is taken out of the way, that He will deal directly with Israel once again. Time is growing short, the days move by at an ever increasing pace.

It could be today, could be tomorrow, Jesus' return is could be that soon. Are you ready? Are you ready to face Jesus and to give Him a reason why He should let you into His Heaven? Being ‘good enough’ is never possible. Christ said in the Bible that there is No one Good, not one. With that said, where do YOU stand? God’s Word says that every knee WILL every tongue WILL confess that Jesus Christ is Lord. Will you do that willingly or will you have no choice but to admit it? There is a difference. Even not choosing in time is a choice. Once the time is right and He calls all of those who are His home to be with Him...there is no more time for choice to be made. You will have decided, and then it will be too late. Don't wait. Don't put it off. I promise you, you'll never regret it. Life is but a moment, but choosing Jesus...it's a relationship that lasts for eternity.

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