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palm computerITESAP is a trade organization of integrated telecoms suppliers, service providers and integrators founded to unify its members and to set and maintain ethical standards and professionalism among market players of the telecoms and information technology industries. It was also created to meet the demand of the rapid technological innovations of the industry.

Due to dynamic worldwide trends in liberalization and globalization, ITESAP, together with its umbrella organization, PETEF, has formed its registration with the S.E.C on January 13, 1970, played a major role in assisting government agencies like the D.O.T.C. and N.T.C. to formulate policy guidelines which deregulated the industry. These policies resulted in the emergence of new markets for the Internet, Video Conferencing, Real-Time Data Transmission, (WAP) Wireless Application Protocol, and other 3rd Generation, multi-media applications.

ITESAP, in cooperation with PETEF, has organized forums, conferences, seminars and events, not only to update its members of the latest technological and marketing trends, but also to provide a venue to address suppliers' concerns such as Type Approvals, Interconnection, SGS Valuation and Inspection, etc.

"ITESAP through the years"

Through the years, the INTEGRATED TELECOMMUNICATIONS SUPPLIERS ASSOCIATION of the PHILIPPINES, otherwise known as ITESAP, has evolved into a dynamic force in the Telecommunications Industry of the country. In January 13, 1970 ITESAP was registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission (S.E.C.) under the name TESAP (Telephone Equipment Suppliers Association of the Philippines). Ten years later, on June 11, 1980 the organization's name was changed to Telecommunications Suppliers Association of the Philippines from which on November 23, 1982 it finally evolved to its present name.