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Radeon 7500 voltage mod

I have this card and have been over clocking it. well since the card is released the same time as ATI's top range card the Radeon 8500 it is never given much attention. a lot of people like me have been screaming that a voltage mod be done to this card. since I have the skills needed to voltage mod this card. i will now show everyone how this is done and it is quite the same as the Voltage mod for Radeon 8500. I've perfected by making a panel to add to the card for voltage adjustment. this mod is for those with soldering skills and knows some electronics. ( with some instructions most will be able to do it ) i will also include some information on how to do the voltage mod an easier way by using pencils (I dun recommend it but this is for those who wants an easy mod) the pencil mod is quite risky so be careful. ok enough babbling lets get on with the mod. firstly i would like to say i will not be held responsible if you are not careful and kill your card. all risks involved will be bared by yourself. ok lets go on

here's the picture of my Radeon 7500 (by Enyah) it should have the same laying as most Radeon 7500 except for maybe the powercolor version.

sorry about the bad picture. i dun have a good digital camera

here's the part that we need to mod

ok look at the resistor i've circled ( i know bad picture. i dun mind taking better pics if someone sponsor me a better digital camera :-) haha)

the location of the first resistor is near the 51031 IC

the second resistor is next to a three pin connect that should be for a smd transistor

i'll mention why i put in the red dot later

here's where to measure to measure the voltage of the core and the memory.

connect your multimeter or voltage meter red (+) connector to the red mark on the card and the black(-) connector to the case of the PC, (the voltage reading may be off by about 0.2volts so be very careful!!!!)the closer the (-) connector to the card the better.

Modding methods

My advice is before modding slot the card into the PC and measure the default voltage of Vcore and Vmem. Mark down the default voltage. Here's the point were you choose the method of modding that you like. I'll start simple first ok ? 

Pencil mod( same as Radeon 8500 Vmod different location )

this method is only for those who wants an easy and fast Vmod not for hardcore users who wants to play with the voltage. it is more dangerous but if done properly according to instructions you'll be fine.

get yourself a good 2B pencil. make sure it is sharp. remember the resistor i have circled on the picture above ? you will need to draw lines using that pencil on the side of the resistor from the solder point of one side to the other. my advice only do one resistor at one time. IMPORTANT!! before popping  the card into the AGP slot measure the resistance of the resistor that you have drawn lines on. make sure it is not too little resistance. you may over draw, if need to clean up using arcohol and draw again. if you don't have a multimeter to measure the resistance then draw softly first and draw again until you get some effect. slowly adding strokes. i've seen many people over draw and kill their radeon8500. 

the default voltage for retail radeon 7500 core is about 1.65 volts and for v mem is about 3.65

voltage control panel

this is a new method of modding i want to introduce to V mod the Radeon 7500 or even Radeon 8500 ( just different resistor location )

the idea is to put a dip switch and an array of resistor to select your Vcore and Vmem by 0.05 increment. heres a schematic plan for the resistor array and dip switch

sorry about the bad drawing

ok now heres the resistor values for the resistors on top.

for Vcore

R1 = 3.1 K = 1.55volts

R2 = 1.8K = 1.60 volts

R3 = 1.3K = 1.65 volts

R4 = 976ohm = 1.70 volts

R5 = 800ohm = 1.75 volts

try to keep near to the resistor values

for Vmem

R1 = 39K = 3.6V

R2 = 16K = 3.65 V

R3 = 9.5K = 3.70 V

R4 = 6.6 K = 3.75 V

R5 = 5.2K = 3.80 V

try to keep near to the resistor values

the voltage is calculated using my cards resistor values your card my differ a bit.

but the resistor values still can be use for 0.05 volts increment

As you can see on the schematics the wires connect all the resistor arrays to ground.( any point on the card that is (-) or you can just strip the wire and wrap the wire around the screw that secures your card on the slot. the other two wires connect to the red point on the picture above each correspond to each Vmod the one near the Vcore mod resistor is for v core and vice versa

i super glued the PCB to the agp card and this is what it looks like this is only a suggestion on how to attach the panel to the card it's up to you

well it's all done hope everyone likes this article. any questions please tell me on the forum, i'll be glad to help


coming soon

radeon 7200 vmod

PC silencing using electronics noise cancellation system