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Roleplay Title: Dr. of Thug-o-Nomics Has Arrived
Record: 00 - 00 - 00
Achievments: n/a
Next Match: vs. n/a ; Singles Match
Lyrically Blasted: List Starts With You!

Scene: The Titan Tron is taken over by a head shot of John Cena who is somewhere in the backstage area.

John Cena: Yo, its time to start the show. So what all you people need to do is stop the boos and asshole chants... and start to get the sucking, on whats beneath my pants!

Scene: The people start to boo heavily as a full body shot of John Cena comes up as he is holding his crotch.

John Cena: I've never seen more pathetic people in my life from right here in Houston. But then again we cant forget who they call Booker, end it with a T... comming from the genetics of a Hooker and Mr T. Dont hate, im speaking the truth because I can... you pro'lly didnt know it but his brother's Gary Coleman!

Scene: Cena looks to the side then looks back as he whips his lips quick like.

John Cena: Im surving Booker up with a court supena... because he assaulted the man they call John Cena. It was your face who assaulted me, as you slammed it into my fist... and the blood sprayed from your mouth like a midnight rainy mist... and you can bet your ass that im pissed. Having to go against a man who never even had a prime to pass... it makes it that much easier for me to embarass his ass. Talking bout pinnin em within the first minute or two... beat em so bad, i'll turn em from black, to black and blue. Im not racist... just face it, its over before it began... his skills are the size of Tinkerbell from the Adventures of Peter Pan. Its time for you all to realize im the next big thing... wait just a second, my phone just started to ring.

Scene: Cena pulls out his cell phone from his pocket and holds it up to his hear.

John Cena: Whats up? Whos there? Oh its Booker T... and your wanting to back outta the match you got with me?

Scene: Cena puts his phone back in his pocket as he continues with his rhyme.

John Cena: ...SEE, what I tell you, the Book dont want none of this... let me bend over, you know where to kiss. This match is a lock... for the Thug-o-nomics Doc... Booker T, you can suck on my...

Scene: Cena holds his right hand high in the air as the fans all say the word "cock" but it gets bleeped out. Cena then does his finger gestures as the cameras fade.

E-Fed Past Time: - ICW; World Champion(x2), Hall of Fame, Wrestler of the Month(x3), 2001 Royal Rumble Winner, Hardcore Champion(x1), King of the Ring Semi Finalist, Only Lost To 1 Person. /-\ EWF; World Champion(x3-Never Lost 3rd Time), Hall of Fame, Greatest Wrestler in EWF History, 2000 Royal Rumble Winner, United States Champion(x1-Never Lost), Tag Team Champions(x2), Lightweight Champion(x1), Hardcore Champion(x2), European Champion(x4), Only Grand Slam Champion in EWF History /-\ Others; ACW Intercontinental Champion(x1), WWE Tag Team Champion(x1-Never Lost), WWE Hardcore Champion(x2), PWO Tag Team Champion(x1-Never Lost), PWA Intercontinental Champion(x1), CWF Intercontinental Champion(x1), CWF Roleplayer of the Week(x1), **GREATEST CWF WRESTLER TO NEVER GET A SHOT AT THE WORLD TITLE**, **IWF PPV APPEARANCE W/KOTR FINALS MATCH, WORLD TITLE MATCH, IC TITLE LADDER MATCH AND HARDCORE CHAMPIONSHIP MATCH ALL IN SAME NIGHT**

And last but not least, one of the best RPers to never get recognized as a force in the elite E-Fedding World.