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  • E
  • XTC
  • LOVE

            Before you don your pacifier and brightly colored beads (candy) and pop a hit, there are some thing you should know about ecstacy.



  • Increased feeling of empathy for people in their surroundings.
  • Increased sensitivity
  • Hallucinations
  • An energy buzz
  • Increased sexual side effects (depends on type)
  • Dehydration
  • Paranoia
  • Confusion
  • Heat Stroke
  • May leave women susceptible to cystis
  • Possible difficulty attaing an errection
  • Increased heart rate
  • Drop in seratonin causing depression days after initial use
  • Getting Busted
  • Damage to teeth

 How does X damage teeth? X contains some form of amphetamine so most people can't help but to grind their teeth....
This is a picture of teeth of an average ecstacy user. The enamel has been ground from the molars exposing the tooth.... Some ecstacy users, to avoid damage to their teeth, use pacifiers.

If you want try Ecstasy, remeber a few things before you hit the club or rave.
  1. 1. Not everything sold as Ecstasy is really ecstasy. Real ecstasy contains MDMA and many things sold as ecstasy don't have any MDMA at all.
  2. 2. X is known to dehydrate, so drink water regularly, but don't over do it.
  3. 3. Getting busted has serious consequences.. :(
  4. 4. Pack something to keep your teeth safe.. i.e. pacifier or mouth gaurd.
  5. 5.Bad trips!!!!!!! (loss of touch with reality, confusion, and paranoia)
  6. 6. HEAT STROKE!!!!!
Although X seems like a really good idea @ times, there are lot of dangers to using X. I wouldn't recomend it.

Thanks to everyone for the pics.... and the background.

 If you try X make sure it is the real stuff
 Lots of Helpful info here check it out

Special thanks C.A.P.
-Will Short-