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My corner of the web. (tiny eh?)

Hey everybody,I'm Jay and I'll be your host through the tour of this site and the madman behind the reigns for the duration of your stay. Scary, no? First a little about me I guess. I'm 17 and I live in Birmingham, Alabama. Well..actually between Birmingham and Tuscaloosa (just about right in the center) but it's easier to say Birmingham, I doubt any of you know where Bessemer or McCalla is right? I didn't think so. I'm a DJ, although not a very good one. I specialize in deep trance, hard trance, happy hardcore and some hard house. I'm digital so if you have a prob with DJ's that aren't oldschool wheel-based then you should probably get the fuck out right now before I cut you with this here steaknife. :D When I grow up (:P) I wanna do something with music. Probably produce, I seem to be alright at that and I like it so who knows. Maybe one day you'll hear all about the upstart producer who found the next big thing and made billions. I'll even buy you all somethin if I make it. I do all sorts of things, but music is my life. It flows through my veins mixed with the blood, pounds through my heart, feeds what little soul I have left and keeps me breathing. Music is everything to me, not just a hobby or a mild interest, it IS me. I'm also looking at doing some music videos, anime and the like, for a hobby, but I need a motion capture card. So if anyone has one they're willing to donate..? :P Well I guess that's enough about me right? On to my stuff, or somethin. Below you'll see the Signposts to my site, they'll take you to different things in different places with crap about me. How self-centered the human race is that we think to create an entire area, a shrine almost, to ourselves. How sad that we can do this and fit it into a few small pages on the internet. That's just food for thought though, on to the shit.

Signposts to the site.

My Prologue.
Misc. Photoshop Stuff
Some Banners.
Contact Info
DJ Eripio - Dark Hearts (The Lasse Mix)
Elsa Raven - If You Still Believe - Legend of Dragoon Theme Song