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Archive of letters from MIKE MOSES--KI7WH
RACES Officer/Emergency Communications Coordinator(ARES)
Charlotte County

The following files are in Adobe PDF format
* Obtain the latest version here if needed *

Subject and date

Wednesday get together-RACES - 08-22-05

Professional Behavior Expectation Material from Aug 17 training meeting - 08-17-05
E-Mail Attachment

Exercise Prep and Training for August 17, 2005--7 PM VA Nursing Home - 08-17-05

FADCA Tech Conference - Sat Aug 20th - Agenda - 08-16-05

Fwd: Training Wednesday Aug 10 - 08-10-05

Weekly Activities and Information for Charlotte County RACES/ARES and Associate Organizations - 08-08-05

RACES--Weekly Working Breakfast, Training Offered, and Some Ideas - 08-07-05

RACES/ARES Information - 08-04-05

Keys and other stuff (RACES)- 08-04-05

Weekly Activities and Information E-Letter - 08-01-05

Weekly Activities and Information E-Letter - 07-24-05

RACES Info Net for Wed 7/13/05 - 07-12-05

RACES Weekly Memo - 07-05-05

Response to Letter of Complaint--(We have met the enemy and They is Us) - 06-29-05

RACES/ARES Annual Meeting 20 July 2005 - 06-24-05

RACES--Targeting the Wet Noodle - 05-07-05

R.A.C.E.S E-LETTER - 05-24-05

E-newsletter and instructions for Tac net Wed June - 1 05-30-05

RACES enewsletter June 6, 2005 - 06-06-05

Weekly E-newsletter 8 June 2005 - 06-08-05

Annual Post Card, Training and Other Goings-On - 06-10-05

RACES Update 6/20/05 - 06-20-05

RACES/ARES Wednesday Night Ops net 8PM - 06-21-05